Chapter 1 ( Crash )

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Pic is your sister dig Ellie
Your Pov

I watched as my niece drew an amazing picture of my sisters dog, Ellie. ( Pic Above.) I smiled. She was like a daughter to me. I couldn't have children, so I like to see her as my own. We were flying Emma (Your Niece. ) back home to my sister. Suddenly the plane began to shake and go down." Emma, you have your seat belt on right?" I asked worriedly. She nodded, showing me that she had it on. I could tell she was scared." Just stay calm okay? We'll be just fine. You have to stay calm for me, okay?" I asked, obviously scared myself. She nodded, holding onto my arm. Suddenly the plane hit the ground and I blacked out. It was a long empty void of nothingness. I opened my eyes. Emma was gone. I began to freak out. I got out of the seat I had been in and looked around the plane, seeing if she was hiding or had been thrown out  of her seat during the crash. Nothing. My eyes watered. I had found a hatchet while looking. I grabbed it and jumped out of the plane. I looked around, it was pure wilderness. I was alone, or so I thought. I saw something running through the woods. I looked closely. Then it began to run towards me. I hit it with the hatchet. It fell, laying silently on the ground. I looked at it for a few seconds. Not noticing someone was behind me." Hello?" They asked. I dropped the hatchet and spun around. There stood a man with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. I looked at them for a second. I had full control of my wings, but because of my curiosity  they spread out a little." Are you okay?" They asked, looking at my wings. They had ripped through my shirt during the crash. As soon as he said that I put my wings being me, completely unseeable. I nodded." I'm fine." I asked softly. He was a survivor, that means Emma might be alive." Have you seen a little girl with blond hair and brown eyes?" I asked with hope. She shook his head no. My eyes went dull." I should be going now. It I want to survive out here, I'm going to have to make a place to live." I said, turning around, completely forgetting about my wings. He stared as I walked away." Wait!" He yelled. I turned around." What?" I asked." Wouldn't it be better to stick together? You know, for safety?" He asked. I thought for a moment, then nodded. He smiled." I guess you can come with me. Oh! I forgot to grab my hatchet!" I yelled, running back over. I grabbed the hatchet. I looked at him and nodded. I turned back at drink and began to walk into the woods, him following.

Tommy's Pov

I followed the girl. He wings were beautiful. I stared at them with wonder. How did she get them? Was she born with them? Then I thought something really weird.' Huh, I have my own guardian angel.'

My Guardian Angel ( FrozenGargon X Reader ) ( Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now