Chapter Seven | Stupid Wall-Hole

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"Because, I'm your mate." He seemed to ponder what I said for a minute before replying.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." We both just sat in silence for a moment. I don't think either of us really knew what to say. It seemed as though we had thousands of things to say to one another when we were arguing or trying to annoy one another, but now that we're just trying to be friendly, it's a bit awkward.

"I'm not good at making friends," I admitted feeling like it was my fault for the extreme awkwardness of the situation. I was never really a good people person unless I was trying to persuade them into a motel room.

"Oh, I'm sure Daniella would disagree," he said trying to be serious, but I could tell he just wanted to scream 'Oh! You don't say?' in my face. I scoffed at the mention of Daniella.

"I want to hate her, but I kind of like her," I admitted.

"Yeah, I know, when you can't hear or see her," he said recalling what I had said earlier making me laugh.

"No, I'm being serious," I stated as I continued laughing. "I never had many friends growing up—actually, you know what? I had one. His name was Hayden. He lived," I paused trying to figure out the right way to finish my sentence, "next to me at one point in time."

"Where'd you come from?"

"That's a loaded question, dude," I said trying to step away from telling him that I've been imprisoned for the past four years for murdering someone.

"What do you—" Matteo was no doubt going to try to push the subject, but he was cut off by the ringing of his cellphone. His dark brows knitted themselves together as he pulled the phone out of the pocket of his dark wash jeans. His deep blue eyes scanned over the screen suddenly becoming alert.

"Yes?" He said into the phone. "Who? What does he want? Alright, I'll be there. Send Jack to my room. Tell him that as of now, he's on duty," he ordered over the phone. I couldn't help but be intrigued by just how Matteo spoke to his pack members. He seemed so formidable. "Also, remind him for me that if he touches a single strand of hair on Kaia's head, I'll kill him."

"Matteo!" I scolded expecting him to say something smart to me in response, but instead he just gave me this look that kind of scared the crap out of me. I'd never tell him or anyone that, though.

He hung up the phone after about another minute and stuck it back in his pocket.

"Jack will be up shortly," Matteo advised as if I hadn't just heard the entire conversation he just had. "If he touches you—"

"You'll kill him. I know," I interjected finishing his threat that he'd made like seventy times already. "I don't know why you don't like Jack. He's a good kid." That earned me a look that just screamed 'are you stupid?'.

"Jack is the closest friend I have. I don't hate him. I just hate what he did to you," he explained, heading to the door.

"It was kind of a group effort, you know?" I chimed. He was basically already out the door by the time I had said it.

"Yeah, well, it's just easier to blame him." And with that, he was gone.

I expected Matteo to leave me with Jack for like an hour at the most. Oh, no. I was stuck with Jack for five hours. Now, this may not have been so awful if Jack didn't take his job so seriously. I wasn't sure if he did so due to the fact that it was an order given to him by his Alpha or he was truly terrified of what Matteo would do to him if something happened to me.

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