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"I was thinking maybe a dress like this." Ferallas said; handing her dressmaker a detailed sketch.

"Oh I can do this." Mireth smiled sweetly. "Any particular colours or materials?"

"I've pretty much got the whole dress planned out, if that's okay with you." Ferallas said.

"Of course it's okay! You're making my job easier!" Mireth assured her. "Tell me what you're thinking."

"Well...I was thinking the sleeves could be made of chiffon." Ferallas pointed to the sketch with her pencil.

"Mhmm." Mireth nodded.

Ferallas went into great detail about the specfic design and materials of her dress. She labelled the sketch as she went along.

"Crystal beads and pearls just here, maybe?" Mireth suggested.

"Why not?" Ferallas grinned at her.

"Anything else you wanted to add?" Mireth asked.

"A lace up back." Ferallas said.

"I know a way to design it so that, with one good tug of the right lace, it'll come down easy." Mireth said. "Do you want that?"

"I'm sure Legolas would." Ferallas laughed. "Go ahead and add that in."

"This'll look beautiful." Mireth said. "I'll get started right away."

"No rush." Ferallas said.

"The wedding is in two weeks! I need to get started now so we can change it if anything goes wrong." Mireth insisted.

"Thanks again, Mireth." Ferallas said.

"Always a pleasure, my Lady." She nodded to her as Ferallas left the room.

Legolas had proposed to Ferallas a few months ago after they danced at a feast. Thranduil had quite clearly voiced his approval of Legolas' choice. Though he would never dare to say it within earshot of anybody else, Thranduil wouldn't allow Legolas to marry somebody of a low caste. So you can imagine his pride when Legolas managed to successfully befriend and court (And, soon, wed) an elf that was so high up in Elven hierarchy that she was literally one step behind royalty.

Cheer was spread all around when Legolas made himself happy, satisfied his father and lived up to the expectations from him and his kingdom all the while finding himself a soon-to-be wife.

 "Lady Ferallas." Thranduil said.

"My Lord." She bowed to him when they both stopped.

"Excited?" He asked.

"I am very excited. I just handed in the design for my wedding dress to Mireth." Ferallas said. 

 "Wonderful. I invited the Dwarves, as you asked, and I also invited each of the royal families. Elrond, obviously, is coming as well." Thranduil informed her.

"My, my. You are making a big deal out of this." Ferallas joked.

"It is a royal wedding. I am nearly obligated to make a big deal out of this." Thranduil said.

"By your own choice, of course. You'd look for any excuse to break out the wine, Thranduil." Ferallas said.

"I hope to see you later." Thranduil nodded.

"Goodbye." Ferallas returned the nod before heading on her way.

When she made the turn into a quiet hallway, she felt arms slip around her waist from behind. A pair of familiar soft lips brushed against her ear.

"Nin er ar' ere' mela." Legolas whispered.

"Vedui, nin Legolas." Ferallas said. "Sut ier lle?"

"Maer. Lle?" Legolas answered.

"Vithel maer." Ferallas smiled. "Were you waiting right here for me to pass?"

"Possibly." He grinned.

"Stalker." Ferallas teased.

"You love me." Legolas said.

"Of course I do. I wouldn't have accepted the engagement otherwise." Ferallas said. "Have you been fitted for your clothes?"

"Obviously. You?" He said.

"I just got out from discussing the dress's design and materials with Mireth. You'll love the lace up bonus at the back." Ferallas winked at her fiancee.

"Does it entail what I think it does?" Legolas inquired with a gleam in his eye.

"Quite possibly." Ferallas said. "You'll have to wait until the wedding to know any more about it."

 "My Lady." A servant bowed as he walked past Ferallas.

"Bainor." Ferallas nodded.

Everybody had taken to treating Ferallas as if she was royalty. Which was probably true. She is the daughter of legends. The Beast Lords, many thousands of years before the Quest for Erebor, used to be quite a widespread nomadic people. They would never settle in one place because there was always somebody somewhere who needed their help.

The elves, especially the Sindarin, had studied the Beast Lords. Gandalf would often assist them in their research up until the Beast Lords were almost entirely wiped out except for a well-hidden twelve year old Ferallas.

It was a traumatic memory that she would much rather forget about but, sadly, it was impossible for her to do so. It was forever burned into her mind as one of the most disturbing things she had ever witnessed.

"Are you okay, nin mela?" Legolas asked as he worriedly stroked Ferallas' forearms with his thumbs.

"Hm?" Ferallas shook herself out of it.

"You zoned out." Legolas said. "Is everything alright?"

"Of course." Ferallas offered a reassuring smile. "I just got caught up in a thought, that's all."

"Are you sure?" Legolas asked. His surprisingly large hands moved up to cup Ferallas' face. "Nin mela, if anything is wrong..."

"No, it's okay. I swear!" Ferallas chuckled. "It's so sweet of you to be worried about me, Legolas, but it's fine!"

Legolas smiled softly and tightly embraced his fiancee. He kissed her white hair and slowly pulled away from her. 

" beautiful..." He murmured. "Nin baneth..."

"I can't wait for the wedding." Ferallas said.

"Neither can I." Legolas said.


Nin = my

Baneth = Beauty

(I do realise it was a little redundant to have Legolas call Ferallas beautiful and then say 'My beauty')

Mela = love

(There are several translations for love in Sindarin elvish so I decided to stick with mela)

Nin er ar ere mela = My one and only love

Sut ier lle = How are you?

Maer = good

Vithel = Also

(I forgot what vedui meant)

Please enjoy the chapter!

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