When she got no reaction she added; “Or I could add the fluids as well. If you want that. I’ve done this experiment before, you know.”

This seemed to have gotten his attention and he finally turned to her. As Molly looked at his eyes - she was certain they were green now -  and the black curls that partly obscured them, she realized that her fascination with Sherlock did not solely rely on what happened that first day. He was not necessarily beautiful, but his entire appearance was outright fascinating.

“Yes, you should do that. I’m sure you’re very good at it,” He gave her a smile, but while his white teeth made her heart do a little leap, she strangely felt as if his eyes were mocking her.

“Okay, great,” she smiled back while she shook off the strange feeling.

Molly went ahead and performed the experiment herself. Every so often Sherlock would correct her when she was about to make a mistake, or at least when he thought  she was. While  he told her things like “the other one” or  “the liquid first” he continued to stare of into space. While the hour crept on, being so close to him – although she could even smell the scent of smoke and pesticides (?!) coming from him – made Molly feel less and less uncomfortable.

“Very well class, you got five minutes left, so I expect you to start cleaning up.” Molly sighed. She was pretty sure she could throw her eraser against her partners head and he would not even notice. Maybe she should try, just to for a chance to have those enchanting eyes look at her ones again.

Molly cleaned up the test-tubes and wiped of the table. When she had cleaned up everything the bell rang.

“Umm… Sherlock, about the project….” She began hesitantly, but he was already on his feet.

“Got to go!” He did not even look back at her when he existed the room and left her standing without a partner. Molly felt her knees get week. She was supposed to be angry at him, but she just felt sad that he had not even bothered with her. Had she done something wrong?

“So you and Sherlock are teammates in Chem, huh?” Sally asked Molly the next day during lunch. Apparently,  her classmates did not only giggle, they talked as well.

“Yeah. We are,” Molly answered, hoping Sally would not ask further. When she had gone home last afternoon, she was certain she loathed Sherlock more than anyone. Yet, when she lay in bed that night she thought about the way he had smiled at her and she could not help but feel her entire body tingle with excitement. Right now, she  just felt incredibly confused.

“So, what is that like?” her new friend went on. “Does he do all the work, because he thinks he is way smarter? Does he even talk to you? It’s probably best if he doesn’t, otherwise he would just creep you out.”

“It’s… it’s alright,” she answered, shrugging her shoulders while she hoped Sally did not notice her uncomfortable expression. She was such a bad liar.

“Oh come on, Molly. You can tell me. I know what he’s like, he probably pissed you off, didn’t he?” Sally said, leaning closing to her while wearing a suspicious expression.  The shame and embarrassment from yesterday returned to Molly. Maybe if she let it all out, she would stop feeling so confused.

“You’re right, he did,” she began, while plucking at her bright green cardigan. “He spoke like two sentences to me. It was really awkward.”

“You should probably be happy about that, because…”

Molly started to feel like she was going to burst. “No, but he also did not do any work. Nothing. So, I had to do everything by myself and he did not even thank me or anything. He’s just so…so…”

“Strange? Insane?” Suddenly Molly heard a deep voice right behind her. She turned around and stared straight at a deep blue button-up shirt. Then there were the dark jeans. Black converse. No. No. No. NO.

“Although that is a lot more likely to come out of Sally’s mouth,” Sherlock continued. Molly wondered how long he had been standing there. Had he heard everything? “You Molly, if you were actually being honest, would probably describe me in a lot more positive fashion. But really, you don’t even have to. The fact that you’re attracted to me and you have just a tiny crush, is kind of really obvious.”

Molly felt her entire face turn bright red and her entire body tense. Was this really happening? How could he know that? She wished her embarrassment would just kill her.

Before Molly could even attempt to reply, Sally said; “Oh Sherlock, you wish. Nobody likes you and nobody will, so piss off.”

“You might think so, but….” He began to form another humiliating reply.

Molly knew she had to do something. Anything. To stop this madness.

“Sherlock…” she began as she stood up. Suddenly she found herself staring right in his face, his nose only an inch away. She could feel the warmth radiating of his body and recognized his scent of smoked that was mixed with chocolate this time.

“Follow me to my locker…. We… we need to decide when to meet up for Chem,” she told him while she stepped away. Oh god. Why am I so stupid? She thought. She could have just walked off, now she had to face him once more.

In a surprising turn of events he followed her out of the cafeteria and down the hall. When they finally reached her locker, he brought his hand up to her number lock, turned a few times and opened it.

“You know my…. Never mind,” she said. She knew she should not start another discussion with him, tough she did make a mental note to herself to change her code.

She dug out her planner from the stack of books. She felt his eyes observing her (surprisingly undistracted by the high amount of cats and pink glitter on the inside of her locker) and her hands started to shake. Could she do nothing right when he was around?!

“Okay, let me see. We have to finish the project in two weeks. We got all the data, but we still need to write the report. I suggest we meet at the library…. Thursday?” What was she getting herself into? She had just wanted to lead him away from Sally’s table, it had never been her intention to actually arrange to work on their report.

“Alright. Thursday, “ he told her with an actually sincere look on his face.

“Bye, Molly.” He turned around and walked away.

Out of his black backpack, that was opened partly, Molly could see a box of Advil peeping out. What was it with him and the random groceries? She sighed, Sherlock Holmes was one great mystery.

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