Chapter 32

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2 Days Later

I've honestly never enjoyed crying so much. After my cry session on Monday, we all went out for ice cream and tacos. We did go to school yesterday and right now I'm sitting in front of Piper's school waiting for her to come out. She's taking a while. 

"Should I go get her?" Henry asks and I nod. He rushes out the car and goes inside. I just close my eyes and relax for a bit. I hear a tap on my window and I look up expecting to see Henry but instead I see my mother. I immediately open the door, hitting my mother with it. 

"Ouch child, what is wrong with you?" She says and I just look at her. Then I laugh. I laugh so damn hard my sides hurt and I get a 6 - pack. Abruptly I stop.

"What's funny?" My mother asks.

"You are, you and my pathetic sister. You guys are hilarious, absolutely comical." I spit and my mother raises her eyebrow. How dare she even show her face to me after that huge ass stunt she pulled? I'm done with her and she's finally going to know it.

"Yes well I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to take you home. I've seen the abuse you are going through and I won't let my baby be hurt no more. So let's go." She says as if she's my hero. She puts her hand on my shoulder and I swipe it off like she's got leprosy. Her eyebrows furrow, her hands fly to her hips and her face sets in a scowl.

"What the hell is wrong with you Charlotte Marie Bolton? I am here to take you away from the hell you go through and all I've ever tried to do is give you everything! Am I not good enough for you? Do you not want a mother? You better -" at that point I tuned her out. This woman clearly has a twisted view of being a provider. I just roll my eyes and hold my hand up.

"Please stop acting as if you were a good mother. Please stop acting as though you seriously care about me. All you care about is making Dad as miserable as you are so please stop. I don't know what you thought you'd accomplish but it's not going to work on me. I am happy where I am and my family is better off not having you in our lives. Go away and don't come back. I'll kill you if you do and that's a promise." I say to her and I get back in the car. I don't even spare her a glance. I instantly felt more tired. I look up when I hear chatting outside the door. I roll down my window.

"You're the one who got my brother locked up! Come at me bro!" I hear Piper yell. My mother of course only sees Piper as a child that needs a good beating but if I know Piper she's got some tricks up her sleeve. 

"Piper lets go." Henry says.

"I'll whoop both of yall asses, teach yall some manners and a lesson on not to mess with my daughter." My mother says and Piper bursts out laughing.

"Fuck no, you want to teach us how to treat your daughter? You need to learn how to be a parent. All you've ever done is force Charlotte to do things she liked and turned them into things she hates. All you've ever done is taken her happiness and turned it into misery. She is happy right now and all you care about is your damn self." Henry snaps and I watch his fists tighten. I leap out the car and I kiss his cheek.

"Hey Hen, focus on me. Look at me, I love you and it's time to come home. She's not gonna bother us ever again, let's go." I say as I pull his face down and his eyes meet mine. He sighs and just goes to the car. I face my mother once again and she looks angry. I smile.

"Next time I'll let Piper beat you. You're dead to me." I say to her and once again I get back in the car. This time Piper does too. I watch my mother stomp away in frustration. I really hope she learns to keep her distance. For the first time in a while I breathe deeply. 

"You ok?" Piper asks. I nod my head.

"Yeah just wasn't prepared for her. I'll be fine." I say. 

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