Chapter 9

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Oy, Monday's are truly terrible. We spent all weekend, unpacking and stocking up on food. I'm actually really pleased with our apartment though, I finally feel at home somewhere. I took pictures and made a little video of it to post once we get our cable and internet hooked up which should be done by the time we get home. It's 2nd period and of course class just started but my favorite person isn't here. Jasper sits down in the seat to my right. The seat on my left remains empty, it's a window seat too so if Henry doesn't come soon he's gonna lose that seat.

"Charlotte! Where's Henry? Doesn't he pick you up from school now?" Jasper asks and for a second I'm lost. Then it hits me, we still haven't told Jasper yet. Aww dang it! I feel bad about all these cover-ups, we really have to sit down and talk about how we're gonna tell him. 

"Ohh uhh yeah, he went to the bathroom, should be here any minute now." I say. I mentally facepalm because guys take way less of a time than girls do to use the bathroom and the bathroom is literally 2 feet away from this classroom. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! 

"Ms. Bolton, please report to the front office now." Our teacher calls out and I jump up thankful that something has saved me from lying to Jasper again. Then I realize that this is the second time I've been called to the office in a week. This time, some serious business must have went down. I get to the office to see Henry standing outside. I quirk my eyebrow, silently asking if he knows what this is about. If Henry was called then 2 things, 1 how did they call him if he wasn't in class and 2 why wasn't he in class??

 He shrugs his shoulders pulling me out of my thoughts, indicating that he has no idea. I lace my hand on the doorknob but then I pause. Might as well ask him now.

"Why weren't you in class?" I ask in a more angry tone than I thought I would ask in. That come out horribly wrong. I'm not even angry, just curious. Why would I be angry? I mean, it's his business then he should be able to do whatever even if this whatever includes Bianca. Where did that come from? Please no, I can't be jealous of her. Henry doesn't even pay attention to me like that, well actually he's been doing some things that show he has- OH MY GOSH WHY AM I THINKING THIS? I facepalm and I hear laughter.

"I told you my girlfriend is trying to change me, she was trying to get me to skip but a teacher saw her trying to kiss me while I was inching away from her. She separated us and sent me here while Bianca got sent to class, I'm guessing it was her teacher. Don't tell Markov that's why I'm here." Henry says. Oh so he was with her, I knew it! Ooo, why didn't he wanna kiss her? I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I? Eh, who cares this is my head. He was probably tired of them hoe lips and wanted a fresh set of plump, luscious lips like yours truly  has. 

I just nod my head to let Henry know he's in the clear with me. What did I even just think? I brush it off and open the door. I see Markov and a fairly familiar guy. DADDY!! I yell excitedly and run over to my dad. I crush him in a hug and he 'oofs' hugging me back, squeezing the life out of me. Soon we both let go.

"Dad oh goodness, I was so worried about you. Are you alright? What happened after you left? Oh I'm not leaving, don't get mad but-" I start to rush out in a breath but then Dad chuckles lightly and I stop, taking in a breath that I didn't even know I needed.

"Breathe Lottie, breathe. Markov told me everything. I'm happy for you and I'm quite alright with everything. Your sister and mother are a different story but I'm just going to tell them that you have chosen to stay with me. I seriously live about 8 hours away from our old home. My plane ticket was set for Canada but it didn't feel right leaving you. I just couldn't do it Lottie, I couldn't leave my baby girl especially not after I heard about my brother." Dad says and his voice breaks a little towards the end but he takes a deep breath, regaining his composure. We hug again, I really am so happy to see him. I didn't really start seeing how much he really loves me until I spoke to Henry's family. Once we pull away, Dad walks up to Henry. I watch and to me it seems more significant than it should.

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