Another One(A/N)

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I regret to inform yous all that I won't be updating for a while. Finals are next week and once they're done school will be over and updates will flood yo notifications! I will be typing everyday though, probably putting out a quarter of a chapter each day but ya know by the end of next week I should have like 4 chapters just ready to go.

Feel free to curse me out as much as you want cause I kinda hate me too rn. Promise I'll make the next chapters all types of worth it. And this may or may not be important but the story started around mid-January and soon enough they'll have spring break cause that's usually around late March to early April or some shit like that idk. 

Alright I'm done now. Peace Chenry Gang ✌✌✌✌

***update starts here***

Aha! I updated, I have like 3 more chapters typed out and ready to be published but I'm gonna follow a Saturday and  Wednesday/Friday update schedule. But yeah I feel pretty okay about finals so that's good or something. I am now a full time Wattpad author and I'm thinking of writing more Chenry books! I should be finishing this book around 24 chapters and really now I'm halfway done if I stick to that. But I'll let you guys know as I go through it and get it out, so far though I think 24 should be good with the amount I type in each chapter but yeah school's finally over!! 

I hope someone reads this and I'm not just like typing this for myself but uh I think I covered it all. Oh yeah the more books thing, idk it's just ideas for now 'cause I still have another one of my books that I've taken a really long break from writing because like I guess laziness or whatever. I'm not lazy, just very selective when it comes to doing things at certain times. Alright I'm done now! THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS READ AND IS STILL READING THIS BOOK WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, WHETHER YOU VOTE/COMMENT OR NOT THANK YOU ALL CAUSE THIS ALL MEANS SO MUCH TO ME AND IT JUST HELPS ME SEE MYSELF AS A BETTER WRITER and not some shit slop writer ( what I really think I am).

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