Chapter 9 - No, You're A Gorgeous French Fry

Start from the beginning

           Do I sound bitter? I'm not. I just think it's unfair. Life is unfair.

           Anyway, the scruffy dude sent Caleb and I to the clinic. Yes, they're into health care here. The school nurse cleaned my knuckles up, gave me some painkillers, and bandaged it up. Then she did the same to Caleb, saying he didn't need stitches. Pity, his face would be adorable stitched up. She also iced us up before we were sent back to class, which is where she went wrong. Caleb looked fine but I should have been spared from class! After all, I just went through some trauma.

           I didn't argue with her logic, though. It's a bad idea to argue with idiots. They always win.

           So, after class, we went to detention. There were a couple of other kids here but I ignored them, like I always do. I mean, I should have just kept ignoring people. That would have kept me out of trouble. And besides, we weren't really doing anything. The teacher, the same guy with the scruffy beard, looked like he was busy reading some paperback. Devon told me earlier as we left the clinic that detention meant writing reasons as to why we did stuff and how we could change to "better ourselves".

           Seriously? No. Nope. I'm just going to catch up on some sleep. Which is why right now my head was in my arms, and I was trying to ignore the fact that my knuckles were throbbing in pain and that something was constantly hitting my arm. Probably a crumpled piece of paper from Candace, something she has been throwing at me for the past, let's see, 30 minutes? I don't know.

            "Could you please stop that?" I heard a voice hiss angrily behind me, probably Devon, since it sounded manly and all that. "It's getting quite annoying!"

           "I'll stop when she notices me!" A voice, Candace's, hissed angrily back at that. "I just want to make sure she's fine!"

           "She's fine alright, just asleep!"

           "That's why I'm trying to wake her up, you idiot!" Candace voice answered back, a little higher this time.

           "Why would you wake her up? Why would you wake anyone up? That's a basis for World War III!"

           "Because—" I heard a smack and a muffled cursing. "I want to make sure she's okay!"

           Their voices were getting louder by the second. I'm pretty sure the teacher could hear them already. I peeked out from under my arms just in time to see Caleb roll his eyes and tug his sleeve back in place. I think he was writing something on his arm earlier. He gave an audible sigh and bit his lip, but winced as he pulled on his cut.

          Oh yeah, I might have hit his nose and split his lower lip earlier. I'm an awesome boxer. I unobtrusively watched him but Devon's continuous nagging pulled my attention.

           "Can't you just wait until we're out? We've got, like, 10 or 15 minutes to spare," Devon answered and with that, some shuffling ensued.

           "Well, I don't want to—"


           I heard someone roar, someone who sounded oddly like the teacher, so I straightened and discreetly rubbed my eyes with my left hand and picked up the pen with my right. I pretended to write on the clean piece of paper in front of me but I stopped immediately when my bandaged knuckles throbbed in protest.

           I think punching isn't my thing.

           It was quiet after that. I looked up to see the teacher reading again. I rolled my eyes at that. Tilting my head to the right, I saw that Trevor was dozing back on his chair with his head tilted uncomfortably to the side, his arms crossed in front of him and his mouth partly open, something Devon quickly noticed since now he was trying to stuff a piece of paper in his mouth.

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