Chp 2~ Ivan? (New)

Start from the beginning

"Okay Dad," I say, shaking madly. He hangs up and I walk out of the tent after grabbing my gad and stuffing the supplies I brought back inside.

"Who was that?" Jake asks sounding a little worried, he probably heard my bones shivering and chattering against each other in fear.

"That... That was my dad" I say under my breath as I look towards the hill. The sun is setting slowly pinks and light oranges coat the sky as it starts to whisper out soft lullabies so that people get the idea to go to bed soon.

"Let me walk you home" he grabs my stuff and I nod, forcing a smile before I realize the puppy from earlier is long gone. No trace of his wiggling tail and floppy ears anywhere in sight. 

He gives me a gentle smile as we start to walk away from the tent. It's still beautiful don't get me wrong but the chimes have become more melancholic as we carry on up the hill him holding onto my waist as he helps me up the steep climb.

"Let's hurry my dad wants me home earlier than usual," I say gently glancing at him and he gives a small nod before lifting me once again into those strong arms without a single hesitation. He jogs up the hill that we have walked upon earlier, light green leaves flutter around him, falling off from their branches as the wind whistles through. If I had one of those damn Polaroid cameras I would take millions of pictures like these, some hopefully capturing that child-like smile he had when we first stepped foot onto the gravel path.  

When we get onto my street I point out my house and he goes with a nod a small smile now coating his lips as we chatter about school and our trip to the Valley. Little kids on their bikes are skidding down the road yelling out and laughing, others are running after each other making me take a deep breath of warm, sweet air. The storm last night had finally cleared up all the dust and pollen and I smile as my nose isn't as stuffy anymore either. The doorstep of my house coming closer in the distance finally snaps me out of the calm nature around me. "I don't know if my dad will be too fond of you," I say as he sets me down carefully on the front porch.

"I'll still be able to get to see you right?" he questions his eyes sparkling a little in joy and sadness. I shrug my shoulders and I'm about to open the door to go inside but my dad immediately swings the door open nearly ripping it off its hinges as flames blow out of his nose.

"H-Hi Dad," I say under my breath looking at the ground and admiring the little mud prints that were left by a chipmunk.

"Who's this?" Chris asks motioning at Jake, a smile instantly wiping across his face his eyes turning soft at the stranger.

"Oh, I'm Jake... it's nice to meet you" he holds out his hand to try and relieve the stress but Dad ignores it glaring at me a little as Jake coughs and rubs the back of his head.

"Hmm ok..." Chris looks at him again that same gentleman-like look coating his face.

"Is it... ok if he stays over?" I ask looking at Jake and then back at Chris. Hopefully, I can get a little break from the abuse so he doesn't know the new line work on my calf. . . and so I can spend a bit more time with Jake before it may not be possible.

"I guess... just he can't stay over for dinner," he says trying to keep his voice from going down to a growl. "Thank you" I reply as I grab Jake's hand tightly and walk him into the house and immediately book it for the stairs. 

"Come on let's go to my room". Jake follows after me, ascending the stairs and to my room, I open the door and walk in. Gladly the bloody sheets from earlier are spinning in the dryer as I think about them, a new fresh pair and a blanket covering my bloodied mattress. Jake strides past me and sits on the bed like he's been my best friend from kindergarten (technically we have known each other since then). As I lower my butt onto my bed I let out a long sigh and fall back against my pillows closing my eyes and sinking as some of the stress glides off of me from the company I have.

The Story of Lilac {Revisions with slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now