Telling Alice

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A few hours after Bella's decision to tell Alice, Charlie got home.

"Char- dad, can I go over to the Cullens?"

"Bella, is that you?"

"Yes, dad," Bella said. Really, who else would it be?

"I guess, but don't be getting mixed up with that Cullen boy again! I'm only letting you over there because of that Alice girl!"

If only you knew! Bella thought. "I won't, dad!"

With that Bella waved goodbye to Charlie and walked out of the door. A little while later she knocked on the door to the Cullens' house.

Alice opened it and enthusiastically pulled Bella in. "I was waiting for you!" She squealed. "It's just us here," she said, "the others will be back from hunting in a few hours!"

Bella just smiled at Alice and let her drag her in. "How much did you see?" Bella asked.

"Just you telling me about your futures, and which one you liked the best! Although, I would like to hear you say it!"

"Say what?" Bella asked, blushing.

"Everything!" Alice gushed, bringing Bella over to the couch. Alice flopped down beside Bella and waited.

"Fine," Bella exhaled, willing the blush to go away. How had she never realized what she felt for the vampire?

"Carlisle gave me a bottle, each drink I took from it would take me to a different future for four hours. The first one took me to a future where I was unhappily married to Edward. We had a hybrid child, and he had an affair. I was a vampire, but almost died having the hybrid child. No one was happy," Bella sighed.

"The second future was where I was a member of the Volturi gaurd," Alice gapsed when Bella said this. "Aro gave me permission to torture Rosalie and Edward, he said I had begged him to." Alice's eyes widen and Bella frowns. "When I didn't kill them Jane used her power on me, apparently she could now. I think I was a shield, and wasn't allowed to shield myself, purposely." Bella's eyes were watery and Alice brushed her tears away gave her a quick hug, before asking her to skip to the happy future.

Bella flashed Alice a smile, slightly blushing. Alice grinned back.

"In the last future we were married. Everyone was happy. Edward found out his true mate was Tanya, from the Denali Coven. Jasper found his true mate soon after we got married, but I'm not sure who it was. Rosalie even liked me! Even Charlie approved of our relationship," Bella said.

"Well I'm glad," Alice said.

"Me too," Bella replied, shyly smiling at Alice.

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