I love you

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*authors note at end

[catherine pov]

He didn't come home at 7.

That was the one thought that would leave my mind. I tried to think optimistically but with his past, what was I supposed to think? I keep coming up with excuses: he ran into a bunch of traffic, there was a bear loose from the park, he stopped to help an old lady cross the road. Some were more realistic than others but my mind couldn't stop. He hadn't called or texted and I was currently fixing dinner and cleaning.

That's usually my stress reliever. Cleaning. I was probably just being paranoid. Wasn't I? Everything's okay. The sound of a car door closing made me smile and jump in joy. I knew he was okay. I almost slapped myself for caring so much about one person; I should know not to love somebody so much because they usually leave. I couldn't help it! He was just so damn lovable. Sometimes.

"Hey Cat." He smiled that same heart stopping smile and I greeted him a little too happily, my hug was a little too tight and my smile was a little too forced. I knew he could tell because he was now looking at me with a confused expression. "Did something happen?"

"No. Everything's okay." I walked back into the kitchen and dished our plates. (A/N on a totally different note GUESS WHO'S A FUCKING VEGETARIAN.. ME) He smiled at my meal I had prepared but still looked wary.

"Catherine." He pulled me into him and hugged me from behind. He had become so gentle these past few days. His hand reached under my shirt and skimmed my stomach. Just a week ago there had been life in there. I felt his change in mood also but he kissed the top of my head to let me know he wasn't leaving this time. "Let's eat and maybe you'll tell me what's going on."

All through the meal I made sure my mouth was stuffed. I was surprised at how willing I was to eat but I didn't really care anymore. Every time he asked a question I would just point to my mouth and shrug. He was annoyed by the time dinner was done and I didn't blame him. I was being a bitch but I didn't want him to know I was upset because he was 20 minutes late. Nothing happened.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" My eyes lit up and I nodded eagerly. He smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me into a room. A huge TV lined the wall and I stared as he bent over to pick a movie. I admired the view before slapping myself. His ass was perfect but I was just being creepy. "Lets watch Finding Nemo."

I kept my mouth shut and didn't argue as he slid in the movie. Did he seriously just pick Finding Nemo? The more time I spent with him the more I saw past his tough shell. He wasn't who he made everyone think he was. He was this sweet, childish adult who was never happy. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction to know I made him happy.

By the time the movie was over, he had cried twice and was now sleeping on my lap. He really did look like an angel when he slept. I was about to close my eyes and fall asleep when there was a knock on the door. I gently moved a pillow under his head and got up to quickly answer the door. Trying to remember which way was to the front door I navigated down the hallway and ran to the front door so I could open it but stopped short. There was nobody outside. I opened the door just to make sure and saw a box. It was a package and awfully small for somebody to ship it.

I picked it up, examining where it came from and playing detective trying to figure out what was in it. Was it for James? It couldn't be. It was addressed to me but with James' address. Nobody knew I was staying with him yet. Who could have sent me this?

I walked back into the kitchen for the third time that night and opened it up excitedly. It felt like Christmas morning all over again except I frowned when there was another box in it. And I opened that box to find...another box. Okay was this a sick joke? I kept opening the boxes only to come face to face with another box, smaller and more beautiful designed. They weren't cardboard boxes; more like designer plastic boxes if that makes sense. I finally got to the smallest of smallest ones and opened it up.

Inside was a small, tiny rose and a piece of paper that looked like a fortune cookie. I unfolded the paper and squinted trying to read it.

"Oh I see you got the package." I jumped a mile high at his voice and listened to his chuckle. Ignoring him I focused on reading the tiny print. I smiled as I read it. I've always wanted to go to a ball.

"So what do you say? Want to go with me?"

"No," I teased. He frowned and tapped my nose with his finger playfully. I laughed and quickly nodded. "I would love to go with you. When is it?"

"On Saturday at 9 okay? I will be home the whole day but I do have to make some calls and such. Ill take you dress shopping if you need to go but I have to warn you. I'm not the best or most efficient shopper." I chuckled and bent up and kissed his lips.

"As long as you're with me I'm okay with that." He smiled at my cheesy words and I rolled my eyes.


authors note:
basically the most filler chapter I have ever written but I felt bad for false alarming you guys with the authors not. Thank you so much for all the support. I want to hug all of you for everything you do for me. When I first started this account I didn't realize I was going to be writing tbh. I thought I was just going to read bc I have always been a reader but this year for school I've had to do SO MUCH writing I figured why not start a side project and thus this cheesy little cute novel thing was born. Thank you again and I promise promise promise next chapter will be more eventful. I have deleted all my other works which means more focusing on this story. Okay that's all for now.


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