If You Play With Fire...You Die

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James P.O.V

Diana was perfect. Except for one tiny detail.... She was a total bitch. Every little comment she made was about either her or her making some fat joke about Catherine.

"Cat used to be depressed too. She used to cut herself and we finally got her into therapy," said an oblivious Diana. This was the only interesting thing we had talked about so far.

"She used to cut?" I asked in disbelief.

"Ya. On her hips are the scars which you probably haven't seen but ya the scars are there... And in her mind."

The rest of the time she rattled off boring cosmetic information and junk that I didn't care about.

"I remember when we went to the beach 2 months ago and some guys came over and started talking to her and when she though that they liked her, they asked her for my number," her nasally voice said. I frowned deeply as I watched her burst out laughing.

"Okay well we're heading back tomorrow so I should probably head back," I hinted. Thankfully, she took the hint and offered to walk back with me. Being the gentleman that I am, I agreed and we walked back to the hotel from the small cafe we had dined at.

Catherine was still probably mad at me but my dad was standing right there when Diana asked me out and he had given me that "I'll kill you if you say no" look, so how was I supposed to say no?

After dodging Diana's goodbye kiss at the door she began to walk away before turning around.

"You're in love with Cat, aren't you?" She accused. I stared at her, wondering how this model who wasn't very smart knew just by knowing me for 3 hours, that I was in love with Cat. I asked her this and she laughed like this was the funniest thing in the world.

"It's so obvious! Every time I mentioned her you would listen more intently. Well, good luck with her. She's a handful," she said over her shoulder.

I watched the model figure retreat from my view and wondered about what she had said. Did I really love Cat?

"Cat! Open the door," I screamed after the third knock. When there was no reply I started to get angry. "CAT OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR BEFORE I FUCKING BREAK IT DOWN!"

I heard frantic noises inside and smiled in victory as Cat's head appeared in the door way, frowning, but nonetheless standing at the door.

"Hello Mr.Cole," she spoke sharply. "Your back early."

"Yes well Diana had to talk about some matters with me," I replied in a calm tone as I walked closer to her. "Don't move Cat."

I gently pushed her against the wall and fingered her sweat pants waist line. Her eyes darkened as she realized what I was doing and she began to squirm.

I shot her a look and without waiting another second, pulled down her sweatpants just past her hips. On the sides of each hip and going up the stomach were scars, some fresher than others.

"Cat," I said gently. I bent down and slowly kissed up and down all her beautiful scars that I wished weren't there but knew that it was a part of her. "Your still beautiful."

She looked down and saw the sincerity in my eyes, for she pulled her pants back into position and pushed me onto the bed. I looked at her, confused at her actions before she began to speak.

"I was bullied severely throughout High School and Middle School for reasons that I would not like to share. People would call me... Names and the sad part was that I would believe them and I would go home and feel like I should be punished for being those names so I cut... For 3 months I cut every single night," she explained quietly. I could feel the pain in her words and without another word, pulled her to my chest, rocking slowly back and forth.

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