Unexpected Meeting

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Catherine P.O.V

The doorbell rang just as I was about to sit down and eat my Chinese take out.

"Phooey," I mumbled, glancing back at the fork with chicken on it. The door bell rang again and I growled at the persons impatience.

I opened the door and was surprised to see a drunken James standing there.

"James?" I asked, but he pushed me inside angrily before slamming the door behind him. Okay, now he's scaring me. Your sexy as hell boss shows up on your doorstep angry and drunk, what do you do?

"James? Do you need something?" I asked worriedly.

"I need you," he slurred. And with that, he pulled me close and kissed me gingerly on the lips. Tasting the alcohol on his lips I tried to pull away but his hands were firmly holding my hips to his front.

He pushed me gently to the floor and climbed on top of me, beginning to kiss me again as his skillful hands found my shirt's bottom. Quickly discarding the unwanted clothing we were left in our underwear and me in my sports bra. Hey, I didn't know I was going to have company so I didn't have a thong and lace on!

He angrily tried to unclasp my bra but his drunken movements caused him to fumble with the slide. I reached back and undid it for him, as he watched in awe as I kept eye contact with him the whole time. I know I shouldn't be doing this again since we agreed only once but he was just so damn sexy.

He slowly pulled down my panties as his eyes flickered over my completely naked body, memorizing every curve and I suddenly felt insecure once again. I began to cover myself but his hands caught mine and pulled them back down to my sides.

"Your perfect," he whispered, and I would've believed him if he wasn't drunk. Just to show me how much he appreciated my curves, he took his time, kissing and licking every inch of my body. Slowly removing his boxers, he gently placed himself on top of me and I rolled my hips impatiently.

"Shh baby. We're gonna go slow tonight," he answered as I pulled him closer. True to his word, he slowly pumped in and out of me while never breaking our kiss. His hands combed through my hair as he continued to do so, and if I hadn't of known better I would've though we made love but that was impossible. You had to be in love to make love.

"Say my name," he demanded. I moaned his name as he teased me and pushed one final time into me before pulling out.

"Damn I love you," he mumbled. I glanced over at him, knowing he didn't mean it because he was so drunk so I just laughed.

"What you don't think I love you?"

I shook my head and looked back up at the ceiling. To prove his point, he crawled back on top of me. He's obviously drunk and doesn't know what he's saying.

" I'm not drunk Cat," he said as he kissed down my body. "I never was."


When I woke in the morning on the carpet in the middle of the living room, I blushed as I remembered last night, thinking about how slow and gentle he had gone, and I had loved every minute of it.

I looked around. Where did he go?

"James?" I called out. Walking into the kitchen, I ran into the thing that changed my life and broke my heart.

On a note located on my kitchen counter, James had wrote: Sorry about last night. Shouldn't of happened and we should just be friends. Thanks. -J

I shook my head in disbelief and cursed as I saw what time it was. I was late for work and I had to see James.

Putting on a pencil skirt that showed too much and a blouse that was low cut, I smiled at myself in the mirror and thought of one thing. Revenge.

I quickly got in my car which had been getting fixed on the day James and I met, I stepped on the pedal, arriving at the office in no time.

Storming into his office, I quickly gasped loudly and stepped back. A brunette was on top of James and they were locked into a tight embrace.

"Mr.Cole you have a meeting," I said bitterly. He quickly pulled away and glanced guiltily at me. Smiling innocently at him I sashayed out of the office, feeling mighty proud of myself. Until James followed me.

"What the hell was that? I was busy and I don't have a meeting," he growled, obviously not guilty any more.

"What the hell was last night? Was I always just another fuck buddy that you don't give a shit about, because I told you a lot of things and I t-t-trusted you," I stammered. I quickly wiped away a lone tear and looked up at his grim expression.

"Your just like the rest of them! To emotional and weak and plus your fat and I would never be involved with you!"

Another tear escaped and I felt my heart break as his words hit me. He made no move to take the words back so I continued to cry and cry I did.

"I'm sorry I have to do this but... Cat I'm sorry your fired. I can't deal with you anymore," he blurted. I gasped as he told me I was fired and instantly saw his expression change. "I didn't mean that Cat!"

"Too late James. It's too late. I'll be out by the end of the day. Have fun with your other fuck buddy's and I hope that you are happy Mr.Cole. And that I truly mean because although you didn't love me, it didn't stop me from falling and I am ashamed."

"Bye Cat," he said in a harsh tone. But I didn't hear him, nor did I look back on the man who had just broke my heart. I hope I never see that idiot again. But of course fate had other plans for me.

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