white people's wannabe-problems | rant

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I just got into a screaming match with my parents friend over the Muslim ban. She said she agreed with it but when I asked for justification, she could not give me any. She went on to say she is discriminated against everyday and that she is oppressed. I made sure to clarify that white people have never been oppressed. She said white people are going towards inequality. I think that's when I lost it. White people have never had to worry about being killed by law enforcement because of their skin colour. They are never blamed for the awful things the KKK did. Germans aren't all blamed for the millions of Jews hitler had killed. I have never been so disgusted in these damn people. You cannot blame all Muslims for what one of them does. You cannot sit there and say you live in fear when you live a financially stable and privileged life. There are innocent kids in the United States being killed because they are black. There are Muslims being discriminated against and called terrorists every single day. Your white privilege wannabe-problems are nothing compared to the discrimination other religions, races and sexualities face every single day. So, shut your fucking mouth and be thankful for the life you have.

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