Chapter 4: In the dressing room with the player, awkward

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Hey guys! sorry about not updating this sooner than I probably should have. I was writing the chapter for this but wattpad crashed and I forgot to save it :( but enjoy a gif of what I was like when I lost it. I feel thats how I probably looked like except the cuss words lol. Anyways her you guys go!

What am I supposed to do? I could simply tell him that I was holding it and that I'm going to buy it. Or I could just run. Running a good plan.

As I begin to turn around, I felt Jake grab my arm and pull me into a near by dressing room.

"I bet this isn't your first time stealing, am I right?" He said with a sly smirk across his face. Of course he has to be smart right now. "I even bet you were going to steal that dress too, huh?"

"N-no I wasn't." I hushed yelled at him pointing my finger right in my face. I wasn't going to steal it, only the bra.

"But I doubt the entire school will ever believe you over me." Again with that cute little smirk.


"What do you want?" I tell him

"I need help with a personal problem." He said raising a eye brow which made me gasp.

"I will not have sex with you scumbag!"

"Not that, and I'm a little offended." he said while fake holding his hand to his heart in hurt. "I need you to watch my little sister for me while I go to some parties."

"S-sure..?" I say uncertainly.

"For free though."

There we go.

"Fine." I said with a scowl across my face. That jerk using stealing against me.

"Ok the c'mon." He said grabbing my arm again and pulling us both from the dressing room, towards the exit of the store.

"What about about Jamie?!" I exclaim but Jake just gave me a confused look. "My friend with the curly hair." I huffed.

"Just text her. Lets go."

"F-fine." I say while he kept pulling me towards the overly stuffed parking lot.

He let go after we got to a black truck that was probably two years old and was caked with dust and dirt. It looked like it was only driven once in the last two years.

I opened the door and sat down, buckling myself up, and apparently not pre-paring myself for Jakes horrible driving skills. He ran stop signs and lights every time a police-man wasn't in sight. Every 10 seconds I was praying to god I wouldn't die on the spot.

After a while of near-death-experiences in the truck we stopped in front of a brick house with a normal black roof. Normal. I remember normal.

I got out after Jake and we both walked to the front door, walking into the house. The house was filled with pictures of happy children and old knickknacks. Kinda like an old lady's house except this house was newer.

On the couch I saw a mass of blond curls in a big pink bow. I looked at Hake and then at the little girl on the brown spotted couch. They looked almost nothing alike. The little girls face was filled with hope and cuteness while Jake's face looked like he just fucked someone again. No similarities.

"I need you to watch her while I go a party. Later." He said giving me his number and leaving me with his number, closing the door behind him.


For some reason it just seemed to fit him. I don't know how a number can fit someone, maybe because he has probably written and given his number to probably the entire school population. I don't know but suddenly I feel sort of disappointed and I don't know why...

"Hey Waverley," he said making me turn around to the front door to see jake's head sticking out, "I've always known your name." He said with a smirk.

All better.

*Don't call this number. It's probably some random person that is annoyed that their number is in wattpad :/

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