Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Frinn’s POV

I can’t help but grin hugely. It’s a nervous reflex for me. Caesar laughs.

“Well, aren’t you optimistic!”

I don’t really know what to say to that, so I chuckle and fiddle with my suit pockets.

He reaches out his hand. I awkwardly take it and he shakes it vigorously. When he sees my surprise, he just laughs. I glance to the audience out of the corner of my eye. As far as I can tell through the bright lights, they are listening politely. Some of them are slightly smiling.

I decide on a strategy: play it safe. Keep cool.

“You enjoying your stay in the Capitol so far, Frinn?” he asks me.

“Umm, yes.”

“What have you liked best?”

I am not prepared for this, even though he has asked every single tribute before me. “Umm, I like the people. They have nice shoes.”

This is a stupid thing to say on about thirty-thousand different levels, and it’s a lie anyway. I mentally kick myself. Keep COOL, Frinn. Don’t be an idiot.

Soon enough, everyone is laughing at me. I shrink into myself a little more, slouching in the plush chair. I notice that there are patterns on the green velvet which match the psychedelic blue swirls on the floor.

Caesar laughed, amused. “An interesting observation. Not commonly noticed by tributes, but certainly true.”

I feel my cheeks go all red and  I know I’m blushing.

“Has the food been good here?”

I nod.

“Smart lad. Now, let’s talk about your training score. Five! Not bad, not bad at all. Any particular talents?”

“Nah. I’m, uh, pretty bad at everything.”

“Oh, well that’s not true. What’s your secret? Come on, what’s your secret?”

He turns to the audience and waves his arms. Some people call out, “What’s your secret?”

“Honestly, Caesar, I don’t have one,” I say, uneasy. “I’m just good at telling apart different types of grains.”

“Well, that’s something,” Caesar says, but he sounds unsure. I smile and nod.

“So, Leighla tells me you two have become friends?”

I nod.

“So I assume that makes you allies?”

I realise I’ve just been backed into a corner. Then I think, hey, what have I really got to lose?

“Yes, Caesar, yes it does.”

“I think you’re the first one tonight to be so honest, Frinn. I admire that.”

I look at him, not sure how to respond. He must think I’m pretty creepy, because I’m smiling like an idiot, as I have been since the start of the interview.

“Anyway…you nervous for tomorrow? Excited?”

“Definitely the first one. I’m scared witless.  For myself, and for my…my family…”

“Oh? So you get on well with your family?” he asks.

I nod, happily seizing the opportunity to change the subject. “Yeah, especially my sister. We have a great bond.”

“Is she an older or younger sister?”

“Older. Alline’s her name. I live with her and my mother and grandpa.”

“That’s excellent.”

“I’m pretty sad at the moment…I mean, I’ll probably never see them again.

“Don’t count yourself out yet.”

“District Nine never wins, though.”

Caesar smiles. “That’s what Poppa said when I interviewed her all those years ago. And you can see that she’s living proof that’s not true.”

I look out into the audience and locate Poppa. She gives me an approving smile.

All of a sudden, the buzzer goes. I nearly jump out of my skin, provoking more laughs.

“Well, it was great talking to you, Frinn. Good luck tomorrow.”

“Thanks,” I say.

“Do you think you could pick the next name for us, Frinn?”

“Uh, okay, sure!” I say, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. I pick out a name.

“Harles Gernek, District Three!” I call out. Caesar thanks me and I return to my seat as a boy of about sixteen with long, brown hair takes to the stage. He gives me a friendly smile as he passes me.

“You totally got longer than everybody else,” Leighla tells me.

I shrug. “Maybe they liked me.”

“Who wouldn’t?” Leighla says. Then her eyes widen ever so slightly and she covers her mouth with her hand and turns away.

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