Sleeping With A Vampire

Start from the beginning

"Ah, hey!"I heard Subaru say. My vision went black and I fell asleep.

Subaru's POV

Natsumi swayed beside me and then fell over onto my lap.

"Hey!"I exclaimed. I touched her shoulder and shook it. I realized she was asleep. "Ah, what the hell?! Wake up!" I shook her again, and received no response. I sighed and stared down at her. Maybe that's why she was so tired looking? Does she just not sleep? I frowned and gave up. I rested my hand gently on her shoulder. Might as well carry her home. Does Yui know she passes out? I sat Natsumi up. She limply slumped against me. Her face looked troubled while she was sleeping. Almost like she was having a nightmare, or a problematic dream. I sighed and stood, keeping my arm against her back. I gently pulled her into my arms and scooped her up. She was nearly weightless. As I did this, I caught a whiff of her scent. I froze. Demon? I leaned in and sniffed her hair. Definitely a demon....but not the gross smell I'm familiar with.... I wrinkled my eyebrows and pulled back, gazing down at the sleeping girl in my arms.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do, Natsumi,"I spoke out loud. I turned and left, carrying her in my arms toward the house.


When I got inside, I went to her room and opened her door. I walked in and gently laid her down on her bed, pulling a blanket up over her. She rolled over to her side, facing me. I shook my head and sighed. Problematic. I turned to leave and felt her hand lash out and grab my wrist. I froze and glanced over my shoulder at her. Her eyes were half opened, gazing at me. They glowed a bright purple. My eyes widened slightly and then I hardened my gaze.

"Stay with me,"she whispered quietly. I raised an eyebrow.

"And why would I do that?"I asked.

"I have nightmares when I'm alone. It's only for a couple of...."She began. She trailed off, falling asleep again. I sighed and her grip on my wrist loosened. The touch of her skin against mine sent warm chills up and down my body. I pulled my wrist from her hand in shock, and watched her hand drop back to the bed. I stared down at her. What about this girl is actually compelling me to feel things? I thought I'd been done with that when Yui decided she loved Ayato instead of me. My metaphorical heart suddenly throbbed in pain. I ground my teeth.

"Tch,"I muttered. I pulled over a chair and sat next to her bed. Come on, Subaru, why are you staying? It's not like she matters. She's just another girl. If she has nightmares, so what, right? I stared at her sleeping face. She's so much different than Yui. Yui looked like a princess when she was asleep. This girl here looks like a warrior goddess. I sighed and leaned back into the chair, crossing my arms. Not like I have anything better to do. Whatever.

Natsumi's POV

In my dream....I was running. I'm not sure what from, exactly. I just know I was afraid of something. It's not the typical horror movie running either, this was something I was actually terrified of. Something I didn't want to have catch up with me. I tripped and fell flat on my face.

"Wait, I won't hurt you!"a voice suddenly called to me. I sat up and rolled over to face the front.

"A little too late for that, don't you think?!"I growled accusingly. Someone appeared in front of me. I blinked. They had no face. Maybe this is a vision. I suddenly realized. Which interaction. This will happen. No telling when.

"I'm sorry, ok? Forgive me, I just-"the owner of the voice grabbed my wrist.

"Back off! Don't touch me! Someone help!"


I sat upright suddenly. I was in my bed in the Sakamaki mansion. I looked down at my hands in my lap, breathing rapidly. I ran a hand through my hair.

"Looks like my being here didn't help at all,"a voice said beside me. I looked to my right. Subaru was sitting there in a chair with his arms crossed, looking very tired.

"I-ah-no. That's not it,"I said quietly. He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?"he muttered. I observed him. He was still wearing the clothes from the academy. I saw the curtains on the window drawn shut, but some sunlight peeking through the top. Sunlight. Don't vampires sleep at daylight?

"Why aren't you asleep or something?"I asked him. I turned to look at him again. He shrugged.

"You said to stay, so I stayed,"he answered. For some reason, my heart skipped a beat. I frowned.

"Thanks. Go sleep,"I replied, turning my face away from him. I pulled my covers back over me and turned on my side, laying back down. I heard an annoyed grumble. I closed my eyes and sighed. Suddenly weight was added to the other side of the bed. My eyes popped open and I sat up quickly. "What are you doing?" Subaru was laying there, facing the top of the bed. He draped an arm over his eyes.

"You said to go sleep. I'm sleeping. We're in your room, which is kind of down the hall facing the sun. I'd rather not go out during light, so if it's no consolation I'll sleep here,"he replied crudely. I frowned. I sighed and laid back down, facing away from him.

"Fine,"I muttered.

"Could you close the bed curtains?"he asked. I blinked and sat up. I saw a rope by the headboard and I reached out, yanking on it. Curtains fell around the bed and the light grew dark. I laid back down and stared up at the top of the bed frame. I don't know how long I had been laying like that when Subaru suddenly threw his arm over me. I felt him pull me over to him and wrap his arms around me. My heart immediately picked up pace. I opened my mouth to say something. "Just be quiet. You say you have trouble sleeping alone, that you have nightmares. Try sleeping now." I flinched and closed my mouth. Subaru buried his face into the crook of my neck. The fear that he would bite me immediately arose. "I'm not gonna bite you, sheesh. Unless you want me to." His lips were beside my neck immediately.

"No. I'm good,"I stuttered.

"Ok. Then sleep,"Subaru grumbled. His arms tightened around me a bit as I tried to move. I sighed and gave up. I closed my eyes. He smells nice.... kind of I felt myself drift off into sleep.

The chapter theme song is Full Moon by The Black Ghosts, because it's a chill song and I couldn't think of one for this chapter tbh.

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