Chapter 1

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I no own Naruto. You no sue.

Author's note at the end.


Age: 20

A dark and secluded room really wasn't the place you would expect to find yourself in. Your eyes blinked repeatedly, muscles aching and you suddenly found that you couldn't hold your weight. In less than a few seconds you found yourself on the cold metallic floor, groaning at the contact of it and whining about your condition.

A few luminescent lights were hanged from your room, although they barely provided any form of assistance. It wasn't until you tried to pick yourself up that you had momentarily found that you could hardly breath. Coughing, you tried to pound on your chest lightly to see if it would be any help.

If anything it made things worse, and you were reduced to a crumpled ball, wheezing for air and having a horrible coughing spell. You gagged, hands shakily seeking to your neck, gripping the contracting muscles and skin.

You barely had the audacity to think how ungrateful you were to be able to breath so comfortably in the past as you hacked and sputtered on the floor. You weren't having an allergic reaction were you? No, this couldn't be it, there weren't any symptoms of one besides lack of breath.

"Huh, so that one didn't work," a voice mumbled in disappointment somewhere within the outside of the room.

It took you a while, but you were able to crane your neck and peer through hazy eyes to see two dark figures behind a clear plane. One carried a clipboard and appeared to be writing down your possible death, and the other stood beside the one with a clipboard, arms crossed and head tilted to the side.

"Administrate the the control-bodies," the figure sighed, "We'll have to try again, I'm afraid."

The man beside him nodded, pressing a few keys on what seemed to be a control panel. You sputtered at a poor attempt to say something.

The man with the clipboard noticed your pitiful form, staring at you for a few seconds before turning to the papers on the board.

"...Check the vitals on this one. There's a possibility we can find another subject for PJR."

"Yes, sir," the scientist affirmed and pushed a few more keys. With one last press of a button, the sound of something metallic clicking filled the space.

Soon enough, you were scrambling back rather sluggishly towards a corner, as a large steel claw dropped from the ceiling. You knew what it was, the horrid thing.

The claw released a bright red light, scanning the area for a brief second before the claw pulled back into part of a cable. A shiny needle was displayed in the center, and it neared ever so close by the second.

You hyperventilated, not from fear, but out of the sheer fact that you couldn't seem to receive enough oxygen. Your lungs burned, almost as if they were lit like a fire. The clenching of your esophagus didn't help either, and before you knew it you were spasming on the cream-colored floor.

"Aw cr--," the voice the clipboard man filled your static-peppered hearing. His voice along with the other man's sounded frantic, becoming a big puddle of blubbering sounds. Your vision was the next to go, the lights and walls merging into one faded canvas.

And like a flickering light bulb, you went out.


The next time you woke up, it was for another experiment. A few times you would find yourself repeating the same process: having some sort of seizure, blacking out, and waking up to start the process again.

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