Chapter One

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 Stopping another alien attack wasn't how Lance wanted to spend his Saturday night but that's exactly what he was doing.  He was directed by the lady in charge, Allura to the south side of the city- along with Hunk and Shiro- to stop another Galra terror attack, Hunk directing civilians to safety while Lance and Shiro took out the Galra soldiers. 

 Despite it being a serious job, Lance found it pretty enjoyable. He liked protecting the people of the city, and using his ice powers for a good cause. Plus, there was something satisfying about taking down Galra soldiers.

 Of course, he didn't quite like getting shot at by purple aliens, which is exactly what was happening to him now. He was crouched between the wall of a building and a wall of ice he'd put up, trying to get into contact with Shiro or Hunk for backup. 

 "They won't be able to get to you right now." Pidge's voice rang out from his ear piece. Pidge was the fourth member of their team. She mostly did her part from the comfort of her bedroom, or a high tech computer room in the team's headquarters, not only tracking and directing the boys but also providing help with Galra locations, and occasionally sending one of her experimental robots along to help. When things were real tough though she would join them in action.

 Lance groaned in response, getting ready to lower the wall and take his chances when he heard an odd noise. It kind of reminded him of someone pouring gasoline over a fire, except louder, and more intense. Before he could even come to that conclusion though, he noticed the intense heat, and the fact his protective wall was melting

 He quickly put down what remained of the wall, only to see the Galra soldiers burning, and a lone boy standing among them. He was tall, but not taller than Lance himself, and he couldn't make out his face, the mask over his upper face prevented him from doing so. His dark hair was pulled back in a low, short ponytail, and while Lance would have liked the observe the outfit that gave away the fact he was some sort of hero as well, he could really only focus on the thigh high boots he was wearing and his glorious legs. 

 "Blue? Everything alright on your end?" Shiro's voice brought him back to reality and he finally stood up straight, still keeping his eyes on the strange guy.

 "Huh? Yeah, everything's good. I'll meet up with you guys soon." He responded, before turning his full attention back to the guy. They seemed to just be watching each other, both waiting for the other to say something. Finally Lance asked, "Who are you?"

 "Doesn't matter." He said, turning around and starting to walk off. That answer didn't sit well with Lance, so he hurried to catch up to him, stepping over charred Galra bodies to do so.

 "Yeah it does! You just probably saved my life!" He told him.

 "Yo, I dunno if you're just a slow walker or if you found some girl to flirt with among all this, but it's time to head back, get going, you guys are done there." Pidge's voice interrupted, loud enough to be heard by the other male.

 "Guess you better get goin'." He said with a smirk, before turning and heading off in the opposite direction. It bothered Lance quite a bit but he decided to leave it alone, going to meet up with the others.


(A/N: I am so weak in the superhero area but there's such a lack of this au with klance that I had to do something about it, so I'm just tryin something new here. Feedback is always appreciated though!)

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