Chapter 16 Hey! I know you! Part 1

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Your POV~

You had just opened your eyes. You started to look around and you started to get angry. You got angry because you feel asleep when you wanted to go out! And that you, you Y/N L/N (Last name) Feel asleep in Anti's bed! "What the fuck" You whisper to your self. You get out of the bed and go into your room. You go into the bathroom, and take a nice warm shower. You put on F/O (Favorite outfit) and went down stairs. You started to cook. LimeSheen came down stairs first. "Oh god!" "Hello LimeSheen" You whispered to her. Her sandy brown hair was a mess which you giggled at. "Oh, it just you Y/N." She said in a small tired  british accent. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Oh making breakfast, Want some?" "Sure" She sat at the table in Wilfords boxers and one of his "comfy" shirts. (' this means thinking ') 'Willy must really like her to allow her to where his stuff' you giggle again at the thought. You put a plate down in front of hr filled with bacon, eggs, toast, french toast, and a cinnamon bun. "Holy balls this is a lot" She muttered. "Oh! Sorry, you don't have to eat it all, I must have gotten carried away cooking again" you say. That's when Wilford woke up. You gave him his plate. "Why thank you Y/N" He says "Hush now and eat Wil" You say to him. "OK MOOOOOMMMMM " he says. You roll your eyes at him, but Limmie Thinks it is hilarious and starts laughing.


 You went out walking, but to Anti it's not walking out side if you have a knife and want to kill somebody. It's still a walk. Anyways you were walking in the streets of some random place, and bumped into someone. "Shit that fucker" you mutter. "Hey! Your Y/N right?" Some man ask. "Yeah but I-" You looked up to see your friend ETHAN!!!! (It is teh Cranky if all teh game plays)

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