Chapter Four- Hostilities

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"Hey peeps! It's staring!" Mal shouted, and the few team members still in the cave crowded around the computer, where there was a video call between the Cave, the Watchtower, and the zeta scientists at STAR Labs.

"Relay satellites are in position. Activating satellites..." Doctor Adam Strange announced. A few moments later, the image of the Earth, provided for illustration, was surrounded by a big yellow circle, with a small triangle to indicate the Watchtower just below the shield.

"Congratulations, the zeta shield is now in place!" Doctor Strange cheered. Even Captain Atom smiled just a little bit.

"Shield's great," Connor interrupted the celebrations, "but it won't stop a spaceship or a boom tube. No offense, Jay."

"None taken. I'm all for the protection of Earth." Jaina shrugged.

"What's a boom tube?" Jaime asked.

Connor started to explain, but Jaime interrupted him again.

"Not compatible with what? I swear I don't understand half the things you say!"

Connor, Jaina, and Mal all shared a look.

"Feeling's mutual."

"Where's Nightwing?" Connor asked.

"Took the night off. Said he was gonna go meet up with Wally or something and promised to set up a night out with the OT." Jaina said.

"The OT?"

"That's what he called the original team," Jaina clarified, rolling her eyes, "You know, a night out with me, you, Megan, Wally, Artemis, Zee, Raquel, and Nightwing. I need a chance to catch up with all of you."

"Can I come too? Sorta help even out the ratio?" Mal asked.

"Lemme guess, Karen's working again?"

"When is she not?"

"I can bring La'gaan!" Megan suggested.

"Oh," Jaina looked at Connor. Obviously M'gann and La'gaan were closer than she thought. But what had happened with M'gann and Connor?

"Um, well...."

"Fine. Sure. He can come." Connor growled quickly, eager change the subject. "Jaina, you free tonight?"

Jaina winced. Again. "Sorry, I was gonna go catch up with Carol, finish getting settled in." She apologized.

"It's fine. Don't worry," he sighed.

Bee whistled, bumping into Jaina's leg. Carol was scheduled to get off work any minute now.

"See you guys later!" She spun on her heel and headed for the zeta tubes.

"Tag, you're it!" Connor told Jaime, dragging the poor boy towards the garage.

"Recognized: Girl Lantern. B10."

Jaina snapped her fingers. "Computer, let's try Green Lantern, B10. Update."

"Recognized: Green Lantern. B10."

Jaina couldn't help herself as the lopsided Solo grin tugged at the corner of her mouth.


Carol Ferris balanced her coffee in one hand, her purse on her shoulder, and a folder full of applications and designs to approve between her two hands, holding her car keys between her teeth. Who knew she'd be this frazzled after Jordan and his buddies left for who knew how long? A month at least? She loved him, but usually Hal was the one making her frazzled.

"Knew I should've brought the ring," she growled to herself, just as two smelly bodies were dropped on the roof of her BMW.

She ducked and dropped her coffee as a bright green streak landed next to her.

"Found them trying to hack into the Ferris mainframe. One of them had a badge for Boeing Air. Must've been trying to steal your designs. Can I have a raise in my allowance?"

Jaina took a sip of Carol's coffee and spat it back out. "Decaf? Really, Carol?"

"I'm trying to wean myself off it, the ring says it's the thing giving me headaches." Carol hugged her.

"I knew Hal was going to ask you, but I never thought-"

"I had to get away. I needed a break." Jaina said. Carol didn't question her further. Jaina took Carol's papers, sorting through and organizing them while Carol called the police and unlocked her car.

"So how are you?" Carol shoved one of the terrible, bad-smelling thieves off the roof of her car.

"Better than I have been. I got in last night, and the team, of course, gave me my old cave room back."

"So you'll stay with them?"

"At least for the moment, yeah, but I was thinking..."

"About what?"

"About staying on Earth. I mean, after Hal and the others get back..."

"If they get back," Carol bit her lip.

"They will. They have to." Jaina insisted. She couldn't lose anyone else. 

They left the two would-be thieves tied up in Carol's parking spot, with police sirens growing in the distance as they sped away in Carol's car.

"I want to start up my civilian ID again. Nightwing says he'll handle the paperwork end of it, but it would be nice if I had a job to go with it...."She wasn't too good at being subtle. 

Carol grinned and threw her coffee cup out the window and pulled up to a Starbucks drive-thru.

"I'd be more than happy to give you a job at Ferris Air," Carol handed Jaina a peppermint Valentine's Latte, the special of the day.

"Really? That would be amazing!"

"Do you want ground crew or test pilot?"

Jaina's eyes went wide. "Y-you'd really give me test pilot?" She asked.

"Hey, Hal's gone. I'm missing my best pilot. I could use the galaxy's best. And don't you dare spill that latte in my car."

Jaina caught herself before she could throw her arms up in the air and scream for joy, smiling sheepishly at Carol.

"You got a deal!"

"Just make sure Nightwing's got the proper paperwork and fake paper trail. I don't want anyone trying to poach you because they find out that you've been flying spaceships since you were two."

Jaina leaned back in her seat as Carol put down the roof. 

"Don't worry, Carol, I'm not going anywhere."

Carol pulled into the same parking garage Hal had brought Jaina for Thanksgiving years ago. Once again, nothing had changed.

"So, what are you doing for Valentine's Day?" Carol asked her.

"What's Valentine's Day?" Jaina held the apartment door open for Carol.

As Carol explained the holiday of love to her, Jaina sagged into Carol's couch.

"Well, I basically ran away from my space-boyfriend, and my Earth-boyfriend has kind of convinced everyone that he's evil..." Jaina squeezed her eyes shut as Carol sat on the couch next to her.

"It's okay, sweetheart, just let it all out." Carol turned on the TV, and the two watched sappy romance movies for the rest of the night.

In case you can't tell, yes this book will be closely following the events of season two. Next up is the episode "Beneath," which should have Jaina spending some girl time with Alpha Squad.

Peace of the Jedi [Sequel to Sword of the Lanterns]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن