03. The Revolution

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The revolution is starting and the human governments are all foolish they think that us dragons are nothing but tools at their disposal and are starting to force dragons from the Dragon city to become what are practically slaves in the human cities.

There are those who are against it but many have had their minds manipulated to be sided with the revolution.

The revolution has started a war between the humans who are working with the elves to fight against dragons in an attempt to subdue what remains of the population of wild dragons and bring them into slavery like all of the others

The revolution has left the dragon city in ruins... a once mighty city reduced to an empty shell devoid of all life.

Anything that stands against the revolution is either killed on sight or brought in as slaves... But there is hope yet as there is one force who stands against the revolution and has not yet been brought down, this force is called 'The Resistance'

The Legend Of The Black Dragon: (Book 1) Breaking A Legend (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now