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The next morning at breakfast, Percy passed around the schedule to all of the first years. As I took my schedule from him, I saw that I had Transfiguration first this morning after breakfast, than Potions right before lunch.

"McGonagall and Snape in one morning? Good luck," Fred says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"McGonagall is actually head of Gryffindor, but she's just as hard on us as she is on every house so enjoy that one. Snape is, well, he's a prat to put it mildly. He hates Gryffindors, he's head of Slytherin, and he's bitter that he has to teach Potions when he'd rather be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts," Fred replies with a shrug.

I don't know what to say to that since I've been warned by mom and Severus that no one can know he's my stepfather, so I just let it go at this. I finish eating, than head off to Transfiguration with Ron. We rush in a couple minutes late, since we got lost, and Professor McGonagall was going over what we would be expected to learn this year in her class.

"Mr. Potter and Mr Weasley, you're late. Hurry and find your seats so we can get on with our lesson," she says.

"Yes ma'am. Sorry Professor, we got lost," I reply as I take a seat next to Ron.

"No excuses. Let's get started, shall we?"

Professor McGonagall shows us the switching spell quickly, "Now get to work. We have an hour for you all to practice this before you are off to your next class."

We spend the next hour practicing the spell and when the bell rings, Ron and I quickly pack up our things and head for the dungeons for our first Potions class. When we walk in, Professor Snape is up in front of the class with his arms crossed, "Now there will no need for your wands in this class. You will find everything you need for any potions brewed in this classroom in the student cupboards. By the end of term, there is no reason why any of you should fail my class. Those of you who do, will be very sorry indeed."

I stare at my stepfather, knowing he's talking about me if I fail this class. I've read the entire book, but I don't know what to expect. I'm taking notes when suddenly, I hear my name.

"Well Mr. Potter, our schools new celebrity. Looks like you don't see the need to pay attention," Snape says.

"Sorry sir. I was taking notes," I reply.

I see a smirk come across his face, "Tell me Potter, what potion would you use for someone suffering from anxiety?"

"Well Professor, I don't recall that in the book however I believe it's the Draught of Peace."

"Very well Potter. At least you're not a complete dunce. Now back to the class. Seeing as there will be exams at the end of the year, we will be brewing a potion that I may or may not put on the exam. The Forgetful Potion, instructions are on the board, and you have 90 minutes to finish. Get to work."

Ron and I got to the cabinets to grab all of our ingredients and set to work. Before I know it, class is practically over.

"At this point, you should be putting your brewed potion in a vial with your name on it and bring it up to the front. I want 20 inches of parchment on this potion, to be handed in during next class," Snape yells out.

I quickly put my concoction in the vial and stopper it. I write my name on it and turn it in to the front of the class. I made it through my first two classes here, now it's off to lunch than my next class.

The bell rings, so Ron and I head straight for the great hall for lunch.

"At least we only got the essay from Snape so far. Though I suppose we should practice that switching spell some more before we have McGonagall again this week," I say.

"Yea that's probably a good idea. You seem to be really good at this stuff though, Harry." Ron replies.

"Thanks. My mom has always made sure to show me stuff."

"My mom does the same, but it comes natural to you."

I'm saved from replying when we walk into the great hall and George sees us, "So how were your first two classes boys?"

"They were okay. We were a couple minutes late for McGonagall's, so she wasn't happy. Than Snape asked me a question and I guess he didn't expect me to answer the question correctly," I reply.

"What was the question?" Fred asks curiously.

"He asked what potion I would give to someone suffering from anxiety. Told him Draught of Peace," I say with a shrug.

The Weasley twins stare at me with surprise on their faces. George finally asks me, "How'd you know that?"

"It's not hard to figure out. Plus my mom has gone over stuff like that for years."

Everyone goes quiet at this and starts eating. I pull out my schedule to see what lesson we have next.

"Looks like we finally get a look at Defense Against the Dark Arts with Quirrell, Ron."

"That should be interesting. Have you had the class yet?" Ron asks his brothers.

"Yup. Just before lunch. I think he's a bit scared of his own shadow. I think probably one good chance of sneaking up on him would scare him off, honestly," George replied.

We laugh at this. He is awfully jumpy, wonder what that's about?

We finish lunch right as the first bell rings. Ron and I tear off to the classroom and get there right asthe second bell rings

"I-I'm P-Professor Qu-quirrell. We-welcome t-to De-defense Against the D-dark Arts," Professor Quirrell stutters as he passes out the syllabus to all of us.

Looking over the syllabus, I see it'll be a lot of book work with only a few spells to be learned this year. I only hope we learn more spells after this. I look up and notice Professor Quirrell looking at me. What is his deal?

"Ow," I whisper as I put my hand to my head with another pain in my scar.


Here it is!! Finally another update, and it's the first day in some classes 😍 hope everyone enjoyed it!! Sorry it took so long, I'm sick again and work has been a pain.... plus I've been downright exhausted with everything!! Thank you everyone though for the votes and comments. I appreciate them and I love you all 😘

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