A Family

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Sirius' POV:
I'm watching my best friend's son so Lily can go on this stupid date with Snivellus. She deserves to be happy but does it really have to be with him? Why can't she pick someone other than the guy who called her that horrible word back in school?! God what the hell is she thinking? A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts, so I go to answer it and find my other best friend at the door.
"Hey Moony. Come on in," I tell Remus.
"Hey Padfoot. Where's that nephew of ours?" Remus replies.
"Playing in the living room, causing trouble just like we did all those years ago," I tell him as we head that way.
Spying Harry, Remus says sadly, "He looks more and more like James everyday, Sirius."
"I know. Just with Lily's eyes," is my equally sad reply.
"I miss him too Padfoot."
"I know Moony. But let's not make ourselves depressed again. I'm sure Harry will be the new Prongs to his own group of troublemakers in school and we should be happy that we'll be around to see it."
"So how long is Lily out with Snape for?"
"She went to dinner with Snivellus, so they'll be gone for a couple hours."
"Great, I got a new toy for our nephew," Remus says with a smile as he pulls a toddler sized toy broomstick from under his cloak.
Harry suddenly realizing that both of his uncles are talking and seeing the broomstick, "Broom broom!"
"Yea bud it's a broomstick. Wanna try it out?" Remus asks him.
"Yes please," Harry replies as Remus hands him the toy.
Harry starts playing with the broomstick and flying around the house while Remus and Sirius just laugh at how happy Harry is to be on the broom.
"You know, I think he'll be a natural on a broomstick just like Prongs," Sirius says with a smile.
"I think you're right about that," Remus remarks.
Sirius and Remus continue watching Harry play in silence, both lost in the memories of James. Remus wants to ask Sirius a question, but doesn't want to ruin the mood even though he needs to know.
Sirius sensing that something is wrong with his friend breaks the silence, "What's going on in that head of yours Remus?"
"Just thinking. Have you heard from the rat?"
"I think it's best you don't know any details there Remus. Just know that Dumbledore and I did what we could at the time," comes Sirius' reply.
"Sirius, you can trust me. I know if it wasn't for him telling Voldemort where they were hiding, James might still be here. I also know that you blame him for that loss. Don't shut me out Padfoot."
"Not trying to shut you out Moony. Just want to spare you the details of how that rat seemed when we found him after James was murdered because he was spineless."
"Did you-" Remus starts.
"No. Dirty coward got away. But he better hope I don't find him again," I replied, cutting him off before he could ask the question. Yes I blame Peter for getting my best friend killed and almost costing us Lily and Harry in the process. I have no doubt in my mind that if he hadn't escaped, I would've killed him, but I can't admit that to Remus.
"You won't be alone if we find him again. I'll help with anything," Remus says darkly.
I can't reply to that because I know Remus means it. Peter betrayed all of us that night and got James killed. It's been a rough couple of years since and Peter has been in hiding for a year now. I'm stunned into silence knowing that eventually we will have to handle Peter, but do either of us have it in us to get revenge for our fallen friend?
Harry feel asleep before I got home. Severus didn't come inside with me, knowing I needed to talk to Sirius and Remus about us. I have no idea how to tell them that someone they despise is getting the chance he always wanted with me. Hopefully they'll be supportive and happy for me. Things have been so hard since I lost James, it was difficult to even be around Harry at first. He just looks so like his father, it hurt to be reminded about James like that even. Suddenly a voice interrupts my thoughts.
"Hey Lily. How was your night out?" Remus asks.
"It was good. Thanks for watching Harry with Sirius. It meant a lot," I reply with a smile.
"No problem Lily."
"Where's Sirius? I need to talk to you both about something," I say after a minute.
"I'm here. Was in the bathroom. What's up Lily? You look freaked," Sirius said.
"Well I am. A little bit. But I need you both to keep an open mind about something. Severus and I-"
"Oh Christ! Lily, are you seriously going to start dating that death eater??" Remus suddenly interrupted.
"Well Remus, to answer your question, I'm not dating a death eater. I am dating someone who decided to put himself in danger by turning against the death eaters though," I reply.
"What in the absolute hell are you thinking Lily?" Sirius finally said.
"I am thinking that I deserve some happiness after the last two years!! You guys are not the only ones who lost James the night he died to protect Harry and I, ok?" I told him.
"I agree that you deserve to be happy, but why with him?" Sirius asked.
"You are talking about someone that James absolutely hated Lily. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Remus asked.
"Sirius, the reason why him is because like Dumbledore, I trust him. I've talked to Dumbledore about this and he even agrees that Harry would be safe with Severus as well, Remus." I tell them.
"Oh. Well just give us time to process this, Lily. It's huge news and it's gonna take us some time because of everything." Sirius says after a few minutes of silence.
"Yes. Give us time to process. We love you and Harry, so if you're happy, we will eventually get there for you too. It will just take time for us to trust him," Remus adds on.
I stand there, dumbfounded. That went better than I anticipated. They know something that I don't, but what?! I decide to let it go for the night and say good night to Remus. Sirius was spending the night in the guest bedroom like he has been for the last two years. It's a wonder he doesn't just admit he's living here considering he hasn't left us alone once ever since James' death.
First off, I wanna say thank you to everyone for the reads and votes so far.... if you're enjoying my ship story here, I suggest you read Draco_is_my_man's Fremione fanfic called the lost smiles.... it's pretty amazing 😘

Well Lily has told the guys about her relationship with Severus..... what's going to happen next? Will they finally tell her about Peter's involvement in her husband's murder or will they let her stay in the dark so she doesn't end up more hurt? And when will Voldemort rear his ugly head and cause everything to implode? Guess we'll find out eventually. Thanks again to my Potterhead family for the original inspiration to write this! I love you guys 😘 ~Nikki ❤💚💙💛

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