On the Train

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September 1st has come way too fast. My baby boy is off to Hogwarts in a few hours, so I'm in the kitchen working on his favorite foods so Harry has stuff that is actually good for him to eat aside from all the sweets the trolley will bring around for the kids today. While I'm busy cooking, I hear someone walk in.

"Morning mom. What are you doing?" Harry asks me.

"Morning sweetie. Making you some of your favorite foods to take with you on the train today," I tell him with a smile.

"Awesome mom. Thanks. That'll make up for how much I'm going to miss being home until Christmas," he says with a laugh, telling me he's joking.

Harry walks over to me at the stove and gives me a hug. It's still hard for me to believe that he's now old enough to be going off to Hogwarts today. He has grown up so fast and I just wish time would slow down at this point. With everything that has happened over the last ten years, a part of me doesn't want him to get on that train, but I know he needs to learn to control his magic if he has any chance of doing everything he is destined to do. Thinking of everything he still has the chance to do because of what James did for us makes me smile. Harry starts to help me pack up the snacks for his trip on the train and notices that I'm smiling.

"What's going on mom? Why the smile?" he asks with a grin.

"Just thinking of everything you have the chance to learn over the next seven years at Hogwarts and what career you'll choose when it comes time to start your NEWT level classes in 6th year. I am really glad that I get to be here for all of this, Harry," I say as I hug him.

"I know mom. So am I."

"Trunk is completely packed, right Harry?"

"Yes mom. Everything is set. Just need to pack my extra bag for snacks and my money for the trolley if I still want anything with all of this food you made for me," he replies.

"Okay. Good, I just wanted to be sure."

We finish packing his snacks and I turn to look at the time. Realizing it's already 9:30am, I turn back to Harry, "Time to bring your trunk and Hedwig downstairs sweetie. We need to leave for King's Cross soon."

"Okay mom. I'll be right back," he says, running out of the kitchen and upstairs to his room.

Not five minutes later, I hear the clunk of his trunk as it hits the stairs and then Eileen's voice as well, "I'm gonna miss you Harry. It's just gonna be me, mom, and Trix until you come home for Christmas. What am I gonna do until then?"

"You'll be fine little sister. Trust me. Since your dad will be at Hogwarts with me a lot, I'm sure you'll see plenty of Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus," he tells her.

I can't help but laugh at this. Eileen loves her big brother so much, and he of course adores her. The bond between my babies is something I wish still existed between Petunia and I. At the same time, Harry is of course correct. Sirius and Remus have already made plans to meet us on the platform to say bye to Harry and they are making plans to come over for dinner a lot while Severus and Harry are away at Hogwarts. Hopefully I'll get the story from them about Peter.

As I'm thinking about all of this, the kids walk into the kitchen, Harry still dragging his trunk and Eileen carrying Hedwig in her cage.

"All set?" I ask him.

"Yup. All set mom."

We carry his trunk out to the car and then set off to King's Cross. We get there with twenty minutes to go for his train and get his trunk on a trolley so we can get through the barrier without issues. As soon as we are through the barrier, I help him with getting his trunk and Hedwig onto the train. After all of this, we have just a few minutes to say our byes, Sirius and Remus apparating next to us just in time.

"I'm gonna miss you kid," I say as I pull him into a hug.

"I'll miss you too mom. I'll be home in three months though. I promise," he says, hugging me back.

Harry turns to Eileen, who's crying as she hugs him, "See you in three months big brother. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too little sister. See you soon."

"Be good Harry. Stay out of trouble, ok?" Remus says hugging him as well.

"I will Uncle Remus," Harry laughs.

"See you soon Harry. Stay out of trouble and make some new friends, got it?" Sirius says hugging him quickly.

"I know Uncle Sirius," Harry says as he turns to get on the train.

We all stand there, waving as the train goes, Eileen trying to run with it until it disappears around the bend.


I search for a compartment and finally come to one with four boys, three with red hair, one with braids in his hair. Opening the door, "Alright if I sit in here with all of you?"

"Sure, come on in. I'm Fred Weasley, this is my twin George, that's my younger brother Ron, and our friend Lee is next to Ron," Fred answers as I take a seat on the other side of the one pointed out as Ron.

"Hello. I'm Harry Potter," I introduce myself.

"Wait, as in-" George starts.

"Yea. My dad was James Potter, the same one killed by Voldemort," I say before he can finish the question.

Lee quickly changes the subject from there with a question for Fred and George, "So what all do we have planned for this year boys?"

"Nothing planned. We always get in trouble without making plans," Fred laughs.

I tune them out from there and start talking to Ron, "What year are you?"

"First, you?" he replies.


We continue talking and get to know each other. I tell him about Eileen, he tells me about his three other older brothers, Charlie, Bill, and Percy. Charlie and Bill are both graduated and Percy is in his fifth year, prefect for Gryffindor house. They also have a younger sister, Ginny, who starts Hogwarts next year.

We get interrupted by a voice from some girl suddenly, "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost him apparently."

"Nope. No toad here," I reply.

She leaves after this, never offering up her name, which is weird but I don't have time to think about this before another voice interrupts.

"Well if it isn't Harry Potter and the Weasleys," Draco says.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I ask.

"Just wanted to tell you there's room in our compartment so you don't have to share with these bloodtraitors," he drawls.

"Get out of our compartment Malfoy. I'd rather be friends with the Weasleys than a family everyone knows has always been on Voldemort's side," I tell him.

He storms off, slamming our compartment door. After this happens, Lee turns to all of us and mentions changing into our robes since we're almost to Hogwarts. We all get changed in silence.


I am so sorry for the long wait loves! I had a bit of a battle with some writer's block for a little bit and then got busy with work... But Harry is on his way to Hogwarts now and has met Ron with the Weasley twins... I will get another update out ASAP.... I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Love you all 😘

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