February 9, 2017

274 6 4

Hey guys. Unfortunately I wasn't able to order my tail today but I should be able to do it tomorrow. Also since it was a nice day today I decided to take a walk in my territory since I haven't for a while. I was going to do it yesterday but it was too dark when I planned to go. I took some pictures and a short video and I plan to go back tomorrow and take some more pictures and videos and hopefully I will have a territory video up on my YouTube on Saturday. Also i ended up not going to the high school today like I thought I was going to because they changed who was going when last minute so tomorrow I will be telling you guys how it went. Also I've been wanting to say this for a few days now but I've been forgetting  a few days ago I heard a deep bark as I was going to sleep and I was wondering if it could be Therian related or not. That's pretty much all I have to say today. Talk to you guys again tomorrow.

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