February 10, 2017

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Hey guys. Today I got to go to the high school for orientation. It was pretty cool because the high school is a lot more relaxed than the high school. The tour guide was saying things about how you're allowed to have your phones in the hallways and the middle school doesn't allow it and the guide also said pda is allowed which is kinda cool because in the middle school you can't even hug your friend. I can't wait to go to high school now. It seems so cool. And now that I've seen how relaxed the high school is about everything I feel more comfortable about my decision to wear my tail when I finally get to high school. It was also really cool going around and seeing all the different electives. There's so many I want to take that it'll be hard to choose one. Another cool thing is that I saw one of my friends who's a senior during one of the passing periods and she gave me a hug. A lot of the teachers there seem really cool too because a lot of the electives are pretty much a free for all with little to no bookwork. Also before I end this I want to add another tail update. I've decided to hold off on buying it for a while. I'm probably just gonna work on my yarn tail for a while and do a little more tail searching so I can make sure I get a tail I know I'll love but no matter what I'll definitely have a tail by the end of the summer. Also this isn't really related but I just wanted to say it's raining right now. I love rain lol. Well I think that's all I'm gonna write about today. Talk to you guys tomorrow.


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