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The rest of the school week passed by slowly, but finally, it was Friday. You arrived at school ten minutes before the first bell would ring, and Caroline immediately greeted you with a huge smile. "Hey bestie," she said, walking you to your locker. "Someone's happy today," you teased. "I met the most amazing guy last night," she told you.

"Really?" you asked. "Yeah, he's strong and sexy, and hot. Hotter than Stefan," she told you, making you laugh. "Well, then I have to meet this guy. What's his name?" you responded. "Damon, and he's coming to cheer practice tonight. So, you can meet him then," she told you. "Wait a minute, Damon, as in Stefan's brother?" you questioned.

"Yep, I can't wait for you to meet him. Anyways, I need to get to class early. I'm failing history," she told you. "Yeah, okay, I'll see you at practice," you told her. She nodded her head, gave a small wave goodbye, and then walked to class.

The bell rang soon after and you went to the chemistry classroom, smiling as you saw Stefan, you had gotten to know each other a little bit better this week, and he seemed like a nice guy. You were glad you guys were friends. "Hey, Stefan, how are you?" you asked. "Couldn't be better," he replied with a large smile.

You could see right through him. "Who's the girl?" you asked. And he gave you a questioning look. "You look like a little boy who just received a puppy, and high school guys only get that look when they are with a girl, so who's is she?" you explained. "Elena," he replied.

To say you were shocked would be an understatement. "Awe, you guys would be a cute couple," you told him, making him chuckle. "Thank you, she's amazing," Stefan replied and you smiled at him. "I'm happy for you guys. I just wish my love life was as good as all of my friends," you joked.

"All of them? Who else is in a relationship?" he asked. "Caroline," you responded with a small smile. "Really?" he asked, surprised. "Well don't be so shocked, it's not the weirdest thing for a guy to like Caroline," you teased, and Stefan defended himself by saying, "No, that's not what I meant, I just meant that usually when a popular girl like Caroline gets a boyfriend, the entire school hears about it."

"Well, she just met him last night, so wait until Monday. I'm sure the news will be circling the school by then," you stated, laughing. Stefan let out a small chuckle too, and said, "Yeah, I guess. Who's the guy anyway?" You paused for a moment and then said, "Well, I'm not 100% positive, but I think it's your brother."

Stefan's eyes went wide with shock and he asked, "What?" "You didn't tell me your brother was back in town," you said. "Yeah, he came back a couple of days ago. Who knew he would already have a girlfriend," he replied with a half-hearted laugh.

You nodded your head and responded, "I guess he knows his way with women." Stefan laughed a little and replied, "I'm not going to deny that." You laughed at his remark, and then the teacher began class. The rest of the class period went by slowly, and the rest of the day went by even slower. But, at last, the final bell rang.

You left your last class and walked to the locker room. You quickly changed into some shorts and a tank top and made your way out to the field where cheer practice was going to be. The rest of the cheerleaders were already there and they were stretching. You started stretching with them as well, when suddenly Caroline squealed, "There he is!"

You looked up and saw a light blue Camaro drive in and park next to the field. "Come on, Y/N, come meet him," Caroline told you, as she ran over to the car. You looked at your cheer squad and said, "Um, I guess just practice our regular cheers. I'll be right back," you told them, running after Caroline.

You approached the car, and Caroline and her boyfriend, Damon, were already standing outside of it. She was keeping his eyes glued to her, so he didn't notice you approach them, but suddenly, Caroline focused all of her attention on you, making Damon look at you, and when he did, you could see his facial features, and Caroline was right, he was definitely hotter than Stefan. You and he just continued staring into each other's eyes for a few moments, as if you were both frozen, both stunned.

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