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Darkness. That's all I've seen. That's all I see. I'm conscious and can feel my body. But I have no control, I can't move a muscle or open my eyes. Sleepings out of the question and I feel like gravity is just pulling me down.

All I feel is softness under me. At some point I felt like I was being transferred and carried somewhere. I can only assume I'm still in the Shack but I'm not sure.

I felt a squeeze on my hand and soft whispers coming from my right.

"Please.. I can't loose you again.. not again. So please..
Cain.. Oren.. Noble.. Dipper..
There is so much I need to talk to you about. For example.. why is it that in this life you don't remember anything? You usually remember the moment you turned a certain age, and you where strong too. It didn't faze you.." the talking stopped. All I could do was listen, the hand squeezed a little harder before almost letting go.

Right then I felt my arm coming back to me. I quickly squeezed the hand in mine and I felt the other person stop. I slowly opened my eyes seeing a bright yellow fuzzy figure in front of me.

I knew exactly who it was.

Tears slowly started flowing down my face.

I remember. I remember it all.. it all just came back to me.. the feelings I've had, no the feelings I have for Bill.

Once my vision fully recovered I could see tears streaming down Bills face as well. I wiped his away as best I could but they just kept coming. I chuckled slightly as Mabel and the others entered the room.

"Hey Bro-bro." Mabel said softly.

"Hey alpha twin." This put a smile on her face which made me happy. I glanced over at Bill then at Ford.

"I know." He said crossing his arms. I know we'll talk about this later and I'm not looking forward to that conversation.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Almost 3 weeks." Wendy said and Soos nodded.

My eyes widened in surprise.
"Th- Three weeks?! How? Is there something wrong with me?" I finally started to look around the room I laid in. I'm in a hospital room..

"There's nothing wrong with you. Well disease wise anyway." This earned a chuckle from almost everyone in the room.

"I'm sorry guys.. I didn't mean to trouble you all." I glanced over at Bill. "Also sorry for not telling you guys about Bill.. just please don't hurt him, or do anything bad to him." I looked straight at Ford knowing he'd be the one most likely to do something.

"I promise." He glared at Bill who coward back slightly.

"I also need to come into this conversation. It isn't PineTrees fault I'm here. He wanted answers and I basically told him I'd give them to him. The human emotions I used to feel, came flooding back. I have now helped PineTree regain his memory. And now.. it's about time you two get out of Gravity Falls." He turned to me and smiled. Not forced, not fake, a real smile, a real genuine smile.

I smiled back and looked at a calendar hanging on the wall. It is time we finally get out of here isn't it?


Saying goodbye can be the worst. The hardest part was Bill. Why can't he come with me? I tried convincing him to but he won't budge.

We were standing in front of each other. Just looking at one another. He bent down and kissed my cheek, which started burning up afterwards.

"So long PineTree, though it won't be long till we see each other again." He took off my hat that I tried to grab but couldn't reach. He also took off his top hat and stuffed it on my head, putting mine in his.
"Goodbye present." He smiled.

"I'll be back soon. Promise." I held out my pinkie but Bill seemed confused on this action. I took Bills pinkie and linked ours together.
"I'm 13 now, and how old are you? 200?"

"Ha ha very funny PineTree." I quickly hugged him and ran onto the bus. I sat down next to Mabel and waved goodbye for the last time until we all meet again.

Sometime after seeing the 'Now Leaving Gravity Falls' sign I opened the envolope Wendy handed to me before I left. I say everyone signed it, like a year book. I turned it around expecting to see a blank side but instead saw a huge triangle with a closed eye and a bow tie, but one thing was missing.. his top hat. I looked up and saw the tip of it on my head. Smiling like a dork I fell asleep right next to Mabel.

How am I going to live without Bill now that I remember everything. I already miss him and it's only been about half 'n hour.


Walking into my 'home' was hard. Everything was different. The color on the walls, furniture, and we just learned out old cat died while we were away. This didn't bother me to much, I wasn't close to that cat and I don't care what the house looks like. I just miss Gravity Falls. And now.. I have to wait a whole school year before I can go on adventures and see everyone again.

I got so used to waking up in the attic I couldn't sleep my first night back 'home'. Wait. What am I saying? This isn't my home. My home is in Gravity Falls now. This us merely just a trip to visit my parents for school. Then we'll be on our way back home.

Sighing I close my eyes and plop down on my bed. Thinking about everything we did..

I bolted straight up then walked to my desk. I had the three journals and my journal laid out on the top. I opened my PineTree one and started writing about everything we did in order. The more I wrote, the more I missed home. But I don't want to forget anything. Every detail is going into this book, even my memories.

-- Time Skip --

Time really does fly when your doing something worth while. It's late now and I'm extremely tired but I'm scared I'll forget everything if I fall asleep. Foolish I know but it's true, and I can't forget anything so I continued writing.

Writing till my hand hurt, till I fan ally passed out at my desk. And yes, in an uncomfortable position.

Once again darkness took over, but there was something comfortable about this darkness. I knew this presence I felt, Bill was there but not there. He can do many things so it doesn't surprise me I can feel him now.

"Good night Bill.." I finally drifted off to sleep, for he first time since waking up in the hospital.

The Missing PineTree [BilDip]Where stories live. Discover now