New Friend?

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I need answers. There is no two ways about it. I need answers and I'm getting them.

I decided to summon Bill. Horrible idea I know but as long as I don't make a stupid deal with him I should be fine, right? And we can just start off by talking. I don't need to rush into this.

I walked deep into the forest. Journal in hand. Supplies I need in my backpack. I'm ready.

I flip to the page in the journal where it shows you how to summon Bill. But one question, why would you right instructions in the journal to summon one of the most powerful beings in the universe?

Anyway, I do as the book tells. I stood up to admire my work, only one more thing to do.

Wait.. do I really want to do this?

Yes of course I do, I need answers and as far as I can tell he's the only one to can give them to me.

But this could seriously back fire.

Stop worrying and just do it already.

Ok.. I've mare up my mind. I'm doing it.

I Stand up and grab the journal.

"Here goes nothing." I whisper.

I didn't have any trouble saying the magic words it was the energy they took out of me that pushed me over the top. I fell over, still conscious I see light coming from the summoning circle.

"Back already?" An all to familiar voice said.

It worked! I thought as I sat up.

"Well if it isn't PineTree didn't think you'd be the one to summon me!" He laughed floating down to me. "So what have you been up to?" He asked floating in front of me.

"Nothing" I said looking him straight in the eye.

"So, why have you summoned me? Did you miss me? Ahh! I feel so loved!" he laughed obviously joking.

"As if! And I just wanted to talk to you." I said trying to sound convincing.

"You just wanted to talk? I mean sure but.. why? No one ever wants to talk to a demon ya know." He said his words kind of slowly and not in a enthusiastic mannor.

"Ya I mean it's because you are a demon I guess." I'm kind of lying but also kind of not. I've always been into the mystery and have been wanting to learn more about demons and things like that.

"OK then, but you should know I'm not the best at talking." He sat down somewhere in front of me while I sat back on a stump.

"Alright so since I'm bad at coming up with conversations let me just ask some questions"

"Ask away"

"Were you ever human?" I was debating whether to ask this question first but I had to.

There was a pause and I looked over at him. He finally nodded and I looked away. "Yes. But that's ancient history!" He was hiding something but best not to pry.

"OK your turn ask me a question" I looked up at the sky and watched the clouds roll by.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" He asked. And my eyes lit up.

"Yes! My gosh your the only person who has ever asked me! Wait does that mean you do to?" I asked excitedly, probably to excitedly.

"Ya.. I've seen it happen. It's fun to watch them grow up die then be born again~ hehe" though he was a triangle and doesn't have much facial expressions I could tell something was not right.

The Missing PineTree [BilDip]Where stories live. Discover now