The PineTree Journal

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It happened twice in less then two days. My head is killing me from the last one. Now I'm just lying here alone in my bed. Mabel went out to get me some medicine which leaves me here alone. Well not completely alone Gruncle Stan was in the gift shop of the Mystery Shack.

Bill hasn't come back and I'm starting to get worried. It's Bill! He couldn't care less if he killed someone heck he find joy in it. Whatever, why an I worried about him again? He's a freaking demon! I don't care how my past life's felt he is an annoying thing that could disappear for all I care.

Sighing I stand up as I heard Stan yelling outside. I run out side trying to ignore my headache.

"Let me go! I gotta be here when it happens!" I heard him yelling. Mabel just got home and she stood next to me out side on the dirt driveway.


Okay so everything in this episode (season 2 ep 1) happens exactly the same. So if you can remember what happened then you can see what happened.


---- Time Skip ----

"Wow, my house has changed a lot." Our 'Gruncle Ford' said walking about the house.

"Well yeah, I had to earn money some how." Stan replied.

The door opened but I seemed to be the only one that noticed. Turning my head I see Bill standing there a little surprised but quickly hides his reaction. He closed the door and walked over to me.

"What's going on?" He asked not bothering to whisper.

"Ford just came through some portal, Stan gas been lying about some stuff, I still have no idea where you have been and these memories or whatever you want to call them won't stop coming." I said all in one go. I'm a little irradiated and my head is still hurting like crazy.

"Sorry.." Bill mumbled. My eyes widened in surprise. He said sorry, the demon thing said sorry.

"What?" He looked down at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing. But I'm going to go lay down."

"Who are you talking to?" Mabel asked Ford and Stan also looking in my direction.

I glanced over at Bill and he gave me a huge mischievous grin. I sighed and walked upstairs mumbling "Nobody." Holding my head and flopped down on my bed. Not long after Bill entered the room, no surprise, and sat on the ground leaning on my bed.

"Where have you been?"

"Preparing some things." He answered leaning his head back.

"Preparing for what?"

He stayed silent for a long while before turning to me.
"You don't need to worry about it PineTree, everything will be just fine." He forced a smile but it wasn't genuine. It looked like it was forced, like he was hiding or holding back everything he wanted to say.

I nodded and closed me eyes. I had no intention of falling asleep and it certainly didn't end up that way. I felt sharp pain pulsing through my arm and around my body. I quickly opened my eyes and looked down at my right arm. There was a triangle there, well what Bill looks like in his tortilla form.

"Bill! What did you do?!" I looked at him straight in the eye and he shrugged. He shrugged!

"Wanted you to remember me when you leave."

"Leave? Leave where?"

"Back to cal- califeria calafornia.." he's having trouble saying California.

The Missing PineTree [BilDip]Where stories live. Discover now