Chapter 6: Being a Little Open

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Getting ready for your so called date, was it even a date? You kept asking yourself these questions. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you were in the dress you borrow from Robbie, your hair was down, yet you left some cleavage to show. Hearing a knock on the door, you went to grabbed your shoes, getting them on you went over to the door. Opening it, you saw him, dress not too fancy, just a pair of dark jeans while his shirt was more of a white t shirt and dark blue jacket over it. To be honest, you were impressed.

"Ready to go?" he asked, you nodded. He took your hand and walked out the door and headed over to the elevator. It was weird how he knew where you lived, maybe he got it from the brothers. Inside the elevator as he pressed the button, heading down you only looked at him. He noticed, but he only spoke, "You seem confused?"

"Well I..wasnt expecting you to be at my door..I never told you where I lived." Sportacus only chuckled.

"That friend of yours, Glanni wasn't it. He told me where you lived, saved me the trouble." So you were half right, Glanni you were going to get him for this, maybe there was a reason why he did it in the first place.

"That was..nice of him." the doors opened as the two of you walked out. You were expected to be in a vehicle, but was strange you both just walked.

"It's such a lovely night."

"Indeed, where exactly are we going?" walking side by side, he took your hand heading over to the park. Up the hill you went, you saw what look like a little picnic, it was actually romantic. He set down down on the blanket, looking around, you saw the candles light up, the basket filled with fruit, it was delicious. Sportacus sat down besides you, taking the apple from the basket, he tossed it to you, you caught it.

"Something new, thought I take you somewhere quiet." that was generous and kind. You took a bite of the apple enjoying the sweet taste.

"Thank you, Sportacus. I feel..happy." he only smiled while grabbing the water bottle and took a sip.

"I'm glad." he set the bottle down and moved his hand to yours. Placing them over, you only blushed while setting the apple down. "Tell me about yourself." it was only fair since he told you his. Taking a deep breath. You looked at him, his kind eyes of his, you trusted him.

"I had a good home, a great life, yet I lost it all, when I turned 18. My parents died in a fire, my whole life was gone." you felt him squeezing your hand. You only continue, "It wasn't long till he found me, straight from the alley, Rikki found me amusing." Sportacus frowned a little yet he tried not to show it. "He gave me a home, a job which pays well. Friends I never thought I had..." he saw something in your eyes, a little doubt.

"He sounds like a good man." you bit your lip, he noticed.

"If Rikki didn't find me, I probably would've ended up dead." you chose your words carefully. Hoping he would buy the Rikki is a kind man act. Sportacus can tell you were hiding something, but he will find out later on.

"I'm here for you, not just my personal dancer, but.." he moved closer while his hand, cupped your cheek. Your heart started pounding against your chest. "Something more.." he leaned down pressing his lips against yours. You didn't flinched, you didn't move yet you only return the kiss. Slowly and softly he was, you lean into it, closing your eyes. You never thought he felt this way about you. Sure it was only a few days, but to you, it was more than this. He broke the kiss, staring into your eyes. You opened yours, staring into his ice blue ones.


"I want you, I will take care of you, love you like a human being. I will treat you like a princess if I have to. All I want for you is to say yes." you didn't know what to say.

"I can't...leave.." you bit your lip. "Im..under contract. I would of taken your offer if it wasn't.." Sportacus understood, yet he wasn't going to give up.

"Maybe I can talk to Rikki-"

"He won't..I know it.." you stopped yourself. Sportacus only got up and took your hand, pulling you up.

"_______.." you leaned up giving him another kiss.

"For's a secret." whatever it was you were hiding, you were scared to tell him. He was going to do some digging.

"Agree, I'll take you home." you shook your head.

"Your place..I don't want to be alone..if you don't mind." he only smiled. Cleaning up, he walked you back to his hotel. In his room, you only looked at him, he pulled you close and gave you a passionate kiss. You were loving this, gently pushing you on the bed, you widen your legs for him. Yet he stopped himself.

"Even though I really want to, I can't."

"I want this. I want you to be my first." it's a huge leap, you only looked at him. Hovering over you, he leaned down nipping on your neck. He didn't seem to notice the bite mark, which was a good thing. You wrapped your arms around him, removing the jacket off of him.

"If I keep going, I won't be able to stop myself." you didn't care.

"Than don't."   

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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