Not A Chapter

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SO I STARTED ANOTHER BOOK. IF YOU LIKE THIS BOOK, THEN YOU SHOULD READ IT BECASUE ITS BASCIALLY ANOTHER KAYDEN, It's called The Rebel and you can go find it in my works, if you're interested.

Please read it even if you like this book a little bit XD.

I'm updating soon, I know the past few chapters were boring as hell, but there is more action to come lads.

So check out that other book because its awesome, and you are awesome- KABOOM perfect match. Look at me. Matching you up with greatness- you'll thank me one day. HAHA Just kidding.

Anyways I have 186 votes- which is fucking amazing. Like you guys who voted. An air toast of grape juice that we can pretend is wine to you guys. Yes we are cool like that- air toasting grape juice, how much cooler can you get?? Ha!

Can we try for 190 before I update or is that pushing it??

So bye guys!! Love to all of you- ha I sound like an old person- I think that's it. Yep. Pretty sure.

Have a nice whatever day it is and... yeah I don't really have anything else to say so... Bye =3 <this is Leonardo and his wife Falandra > :{) (yes she has a mustache.

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