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it was a long week, I was about to explote but everytime we were waking up at 3 am, going to the auctions, beign on time for doing every single job Lyra make me do and working a lot I didn't have the energy to go to everything, if it wasn't that saturday and sunday came! I FEEL RE ENERGIZED,but...when I see that it was 4 am- PETER!!! WE HAVE- he wake up and I see the calendar- what day is today?- he frown and see the cellphone.

-saturday...why ?do you even go to work on saturdays?- I sigh and fall to the bed next to him and fall sleep inmediately- I presume that is a no- I suppose he fall sleep too.

=at 8 o'clock=

-sandra, are you planning on beign sleep all day? because, you know is 8 am and eventhough we are in our free day Japan is huge and we can...- I wake up and he see me scared- forget...- I stand up and frown.

-you are right, I don't know the country and is a shame I don't wake up to visit some places here... lets go to kyoto?- he nod and sigh.

-if you are that tired you better...- I frown and grab a towel while going to the bathroom

-jeez, NO! I have to go- I open the door of the bathroom and wash myself to feel my energy bar, then in the corridor I bump into Tsui he see me and I smile a little bit- hey tsui...- I bow and he bow.

-long time no see you, you really come late don't you? or maybe the sex keep you busy?- I frown and see him directly.

-you know he is not only about sex right? why do you hate him? he is just a human beign I meet in bo...- I stop because that secret is between us- either way, peter is kind of sweet and is not like we love each other ok?- he laugh

-so you will lie to me? remember I hear everything from that wall... we are neighbors, all you do is sex!!! he is a sex addict! if you want to know more about him he is a mistery!!! only one girl knows him that well and he broke her heart in pieces- he cries- no follow my advise and don't spend a lot with him, he will only give you sadness and sorrow, see you!- he enters the bath and I enter my room.-lets go peter- he analyze my face and hug me- what...- he kiss me and smile

-sandra, you really have grown do you?- I see his face and pat his hair, like a carress- I don't know your childhood but I think from the girl you were and right now you change a lot- I smile and kiss his cheek.

-you are the best guy I could wish for peter, but...- I see him directly and giggle- I won't fall that easily in love for that- I laugh and he laugh

- damn it!!! eventhough your defenses were low- we laugh and kiss each other- tell me, what do you want of me? I could tell you everything you want- I see his face and doubt about what he say, he is a mistery... is it like Tsui say, did he really is a sex addict? I see him directly and sigh negating it, he isn't only about sex! he is more than that for sure.

-for now we can buy a ticket for kyoto, I really want to spend in kyoto this day and tomorrow!!!-he smile and bow

- as you order my lady- we do our backpacks and head to kyoto

-want some dangos?- I nod and we keep walking- you know, since we meet each other we have never talk, I just don't want to spend every minute in the bed- he laugh nervously- I was thinking that you were thinking I am like a sex addict but

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

-want some dangos?- I nod and we keep walking- you know, since we meet each other we have never talk, I just don't want to spend every minute in the bed- he laugh nervously- I was thinking that you were thinking I am like a sex addict but... I am not- I see him and smile.

-I was not, I was thinking you were the opposite of that... maybe is time that we talk right?-he nod and we keep walking, I was shocked about kyoto first of all we rent a yukata for me and we go  to Kiyomizu-dera, it was kind of crowded- Peter, this I think I...- someone bump on me and I was about to fall but peter caught me.

- be careful ok?- his smile was so espontaneous and surreal- believe me this sight is the best one!!- he grab my hand and I was stumbling but peter hold me tight everytime I was about to fall- HERE WE ARE!!!- he take me away to the veranda and we see the view- isn't it beautiful?- I nod and enjoy the view

-sure is beautiful, thank you peter!- he giggle

-can you wait here for 15 minutes? I am going to the bathroom!!!- I see him perplex and nod, he kiss my hand and run to the bathrooms

-ok lets enjoy the view!- I turn around and I crouch a little while waiting and taking some photos

-that pose of loneliness, you really look sorrowful- I giggle and see tsui with the girl and not peter.

-well he went to the bathroom so I am waiting, what happen tsui?- he smirk and the girl too.

-or maybe he is doing sex with someone else!- I frown to him and see peter rushing to me

- Sandra turn around I...- he see tsui and her and frown- what are you doing here? did someone wants to see you double dating someone?- he smirks and so tsui

-well for the matter of fact double dating is not so bad you know, since I am more than a sex addict who talk pretty around girls just to take them to bed and not having a serious relation with someone-I stand up and smirks to tsui.

- who say he is a sex addict, by the matter of fact tsui- I put my finger in his chest and unbottom it-the sex addict here is me and not him, right Peter... the one who was begging for me was him and not me- I smirk more- so don't judge the cover by the content ok?-I grab peter waist and stare to the girl- did I take something precious of you? well there are some news, we are about to get married and I won't leave him on the likes of you- I grab peter hands and run to another part of the temple with him, his face was in shock so of them. I was just acting to save peter... and this feeling I have for him right now is undescriptable.

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