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-everyone listen up- everyone is the restaurant gather in the herbs garden- Aisho CEO and family are coming, with some guests- we are going to prepare this menu and close at 9:30 the restaurant- I need volunteers for helping Mrs. Sandra with the garden and decoration, ok?- everyone nods and the manager see me- Mrs. Sandra, you will be living at 12 ok?- I nod and Lyra, Lyon and Manager put the main butler as my helpers

- lets comence Sandra, first of all... Jean will guide you to where the plates and furnitures are, we are going to wait here and plan the enviroment, GO!- I go with Jean and she show me what desing for the tableware is best in the garden then some decorations they use for special ocassions- now Sandra, what will you choose?- I grab a satin tablecloths that is dark but with a touch of metalic, then pick a big base for the flowers and is white and of ceramic, and the plates are silver

-this ones are the one that I want but you are the expert in this Jean, do you think is good?- she smiles and nod

-lets go- we arrive to the garden and place the table with the things

- good job now the decoration is here- Lyra show me the design and I love it, it contrast the tablewear I choose- that arc is easy doing it and we have sufficient hands to do it so lets comence- we prepare every detail and at 7 we finish

-so impressive but Sandra you are out of time, Lyra... what is faster, motorcycle or my car?- the manager see the decoration.

- I think because of the zone better motorcycle- lyon nods and the manager grab me- lets go- we go to the motorcycle and head to a alley where there is a apparel- I will pick you up at 8:30, you can use this... there is a gift card of 500 dollars, use it wisely ok?- I enter the apparel and give the gift card saying the name of the manager

-follow me- there are dresses like gatsby and she gave me some of them- tell me is formal or you are a worker?- I see the red dress

- I am a worker, the manager didn't tell what I am going to do- a guy dress up as the band KISS appear and see me.

- let her with me Diana, she is a lost lamb dont you see... who is going to the reservation young lady?- I am blushed

-Aisho sir- he make a surprised face and then relax.

-ok first of all, dont act like that in front of them and second of all we don't have lot of time for this so we better hurry!!!!-he grab me and start doing experiments on me and finally he smile and look at me- if that CEO doesn't notice you then he is dumb but well, for at least his son will- I look into the mirror and I dont recognize myself

-thank you- I bow down and he gave me back the gift card- whydo you give me back that?- he smiles-

-because is your gift card not of your manager, come here soon enough lady- he giggles and the manager arrive

- splendid Paul, as the matter of fact I think I will win this time- I see the manager and bow down

-thank you and what you will win?- he smirks

-I will win our little competion we made with a friend of mine, lets go- he grab me and we go in a car not in the motorcycle

-I will win our little competion we made with a friend of mine, lets go- he grab me and we go in a car not in the motorcycle

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-so tell me again what is your duty Sandra?- I am walking to the restaurant and talking with the manager

-greet the guests, be the party hoster and...- he silence me

-don't bow, don't be egocentric but dont show he controls you, ok? the CEO likes the type of girl who are self confident and most of all that doesn't stuttered, for now you are pretending to have intellect more than him... he will notice you are a latina and I know because of your background that your parents have money so you know about culture plus that you study for chef in a country like yours but he travels every week and knows more cultures than you do, so try to learn more and try not to cry ok...- I nod

-just a question? do I have to sit with them as the host?- he smiles

-as the hostess you have to do it, and be like a princess ok? you are now pretending to be cinderella, of course you are not cinderella but with themyou are so enjoy this moment- he left me and I seat down he gave me 30 minutes of break

-remember, you have to be elegant and don't bow, you are a princess- I keep passing the floor and trying to calm down- maybe I will faint or I dont know but I feel agitated, ahhh!-exhale and tries gaining composure- Sandra, you can do it!!- someone giggles and I see a guy

-so where is that confidence you have back in the market?- I turn around and see Mr. Aisho

-I...- he seats in the couch, seeing him in tuxedo and not like in the market is kind of weird

-the cat lost your tongue lady? because I think you were about to stuttered right? my dad doesn't like stuttering so am I- I blushed and see to another place

- I don't stuttered and by the matter of fact I am was about to say that you gave me a big shock back then when you appear in the door just that- I pout out of nowhere

-that face is kind of cute you know, and that dress suit you well Sandra, tell me, do you feel ready to be in our table? because for the face you did back then you weren't- I see him direct in the face blushing

- I am ready, and I will do it good- he grabs my hand and smiles

-that is what I am talking about, lets go greet the guests- he grabs my hand and we go to the garden

for taking confidence I am humming that song out of nowhere and he see me then and we arrive at the entrance.

-you really are a surprise box don't you, for the time I will greet your manager, by the way I dont want you to call me like my dad, my name is Peter ok?- he smiles and goes inside, I feel like a warm yet I shiver because of the coldness but is like everything I feel is in harmony...

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