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- passengers of fligh R-0894 you may board to the plane...the first ones to enter are the golden card passengers, please proceed to the area-

I walk to the reception of the flight and show my id with the gold card and the ticket-good morning- bows and the guy see me with a smile

- miss Sandra you may proceed to the plane- I grab my 2 hand backpacks and walks to the plane, thanks god my parents inform me that I can do a upgrade in the seat and now I am in bussiness class... this flights in smalls seats is a pain in the ass

someone approach me and smiles- miss Sandra would you like a drink or some appetizers?- I see the air hostess with some doubt

-what is in the menu? and for now a water will be ok- I smile and the air hostess nods and smiles

- coming back for a bit, and I will bring you the menu- goes to prepare the drink and I keep seeing outside the window

-it sure is going to be a long trip- someone sit next to me, our seats are not together but he is in the center

-but you are in bussiness class at least young lady- I see the man and is a japanese maybe he has 50 years old and he has white hair with some black hair- is your first time traveling to japan?-

I nod- as a intership yes, I often travel as a tourist to other countries, my first time traveling japan was as a tourist- the elder smiles

-my country is huge, maybe this time you will have sometime of visiting more prefectures-

-maybe, in my work they gave me free saturday and sunday- the elder nods

-are you a chef apprentince?- I was in shock because no one can know it by first glance

-yes... how did you know?- the elder points where I put my 2 backpacks

-normally a girl doesn't bring a Michelin Guide logo in her backpack, unless is a professional chef, or maybe I have a hunch about it- smiles gently 

I laugh gently- they sure dont bring a Michelin Logo, or maybe is a hunch of you sir-smiles seeing the air hostess bringing me the water with a menu in a silver tray

- Miss here is your water with the menu- put it in the table next to me and put the menu in the other table

-thanks- I smile gently to her and drink a sip

-and you sir what do you want to have?- the air hostess smiles to him

-I will be glad if you give me a cup of water- the air hostes nod and leaves to bring the cup of water

-maybe we will see soon enough sir, right now is a long flight and well maybe we will cross path in a near future-

the elder smiles to me- maybe, if they fire you from your restaurant or anything happens on the migratory section give me a call young lady, I am sure I can help you somehow- gives me a card and in a small paper his number- for now lets enjoy or business class trip- he smiles

I nod and smiles- lets enjoy it- I drink another sip while seeing the menu

I nod and smiles- lets enjoy it- I drink another sip while seeing the menu

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=later after the long trip of 13 hours=

-ladies and gentlemen we arrive to narita airport you may wait a little bit until the rampage is put on, thank you for flying in japan airline and we hope to see you in your next trip-

everyone is rushing to take his backpacks and I stand up also because I have 2 backpacks- everyone is ansious to go- sighs

-may I help you young lady?-I see the elder smiling at me and I smile too

- I just can't reach my other back pack but is ok I can...- the elder one takes out the backpack with the help of someone who was seating in my back- it sure is heavy for a hand backpack of a lady- I blush- is because is full of books-

the elder person smiles- I think reading is the best thing in the world- I put my first backpack in my back and the one that he help me is roll on- it was glad on meeting you young lady-

-my name is Sandra, and it was nice meeting you too- I bow and smiles to the other guy- thanks on helping me - the door opens and I smiles- see you soon! and thanks- I walk down to the rampage and heading to outside

I went in train and see the city of tokyo while the sundown is slowly dissapearing- so beautiful- I will live in a small apartment that I rent for 51000 yen per month and I was in shock because is 456.43 dollars per month is very cheap and is in a place that I couldn't imagine that is akihabara... when I arrive in my share apartment I see people in the common room and seeing some comedy drama, I went to the lobby and a young girl attend me

-you are Ayala-san right, here is your key and the room, but if you want we can upgrade you is 58,000 yen the other one but the difference i that you have sunlight and a floor up- I was thinking a little bit and nod

-sure just let me know if I can give you the difference I pay online, I have it in my pocket -I take out my pocket and give her 7 yen- I guess I will change of room- I smile to her

she smiles back- I will take you to your room-she grab my small backpack and she was surprise of how heavy it was- you sure have heavy clothes- I laugh

-it isnt my clothes, is because I am a chef and well, every chef have his knifes and tableware- I blushed- if you want I..- she laugh also

-well that is new, we have a chef and with knifes- she smiles- by the way how many knifes you have, not that I think you will kill us- she blushes madly and I laugh

-I have 8, but dont worry...every knife I have is locked the only one who knows my password is me!- I follow her and she show me every corner of the apartment, it was huge and then I went to my room then I put my knife out and take out every clothes I have- I should go to akihabara for a bit, it is still 6 pm and the night is young- I take out a dress and put it on- tomorrow is a long day sandra, lets have fun for today- I put my precious items in the safe and left.

at the moment I arrive at akihabara I see every light every single thing and my eyes sparkle like if I where a kid- I love it- I walk through the apparels and then head to a host club- lets go inside- I seat down and a hot guy of 1.80 seats next to me- Ojou are you alone?- I blush- yes, I am just new in this kind of place- he smiles

-maybe I can accompany you for a bit- grabs some drinks and give it to me-and how old are you Hime- I keep blushing

-I am 22, what is your name?- he grab my chin and smiles

-23, you look of 18 Hime-sama... are you lying to me?- I feel like my face is totally red

-I am n-not lying to you, I am about to be 23 in a week- he smiles

- do you like japan?- puts one strand of my hair back and see me directly- are you latina right?- smiles brightly

-yes I am and I do like japan- he stand up and bows- my name is Tsui, nice to meet you Hime and hope I see you again sometime- he goes to see other places

-I also hope to see you soon Tsui- I drink a bit and head outside to enjoy the night a little bit.

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