Kellin barely even noticed the grumble in his stomach as he recalled the last time he had eaten was early in the morning. Victor guided Kellin to the dining area that he passed earlier and somehow there was two plates set on the smallish table. Victor gestured for the prince to sit in the tall chair, in which Kellin gratefully accepted and Victor pushed in his chair for him.

"You are too kind, Victor" Kellin complimented.

"Thank you, princess" Victor bowed.

The tanned servant removed the top of the platter revealing stewed cabbage and bailey bread with melted cheese on top. Kellin didn't want to admit it, but the meal did not look appealing, not because it was a peasant's meal but because it looked disgustingly overcooked. With his fork and knife, the prince neatly cut the cheesy bread into small pieces and delicately placed the piece in his mouth. Nearly gagging in the process, Kellin swallowed harshly while forcing a smile.

"It is um...delicious, Victor" Kellin lied.

"Don't be so modest" Victor sighed "it's awful"

"It isn't...that bad" the prince assured.

Victor sighed and dropped his utensils on the plate while Kellin lightly placed his on the cloth beside his plate.

"Please do not stress about this" Kellin begged "I imagine that we could make this meal better"

That is how the prince decided to roll up his sleeves and prepare an easy to cook meal. He simply re-used the steamed cabbage to make delectable cabbage stew. The pair sat across from each other and slipped on their stew.

"This is absolutely delicious, princess" Victor praised "How do you do it?"

"My mother" Kellin smiled softly "She taught me how to cook. She always told me that in order to survive you must always be kind and know how to cook"

"Your mother sounds wonderful" Victor complimented.

"Yes, she was" Kellin agreed.

After they ate, Victor showed Kellin to the room he awoke in earlier and Victor explained that when the time was right, he would help the prince escape the clutches of the great dragon. Kellin submerged into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of the mysterious tanned servant.


Kellin was shaken awake at the dead of night, just as Victor promised. The prince blinked a few times to process the sudden interruption of his sleep, while the faint light of a lantern was nearly blinding him.

"It's time to awaken, princess" the servant whispered "the great dragon has fallen asleep"

The prince nodded sleepily and rose from the bed, rubbing the crust from his eyes. Victor took the dainty hand of the prince and gently pulled him out if the soft bed.

"We must hurry, princess" the servant ushered, guiding him through the darkened tower "the dragon will awaken at any given moment"

Although Kellin was half asleep, his need to return home fueled him to move his legs. Once they reached the staircase, Victor turned and took both of the prince's soft hands and gazed into his beautiful green eyes.

"Listen closely princess," Victor instructed "Go down the stairs until the steps end, then go through the door on the left. You must remember to go left"

"What about you, Victor?" Kellin questioned, "You are not coming along?"

"No need to fret about me, princess" Victor sadly objected "I will endure the punishment the great dragon will bring upon me"

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