"Presenting, Prince Oliver from the English islands" the guard announced.

A man in royal black clothing strutted in. He had long tufts of brown hair and very prominent cheekbones with a very dashing smile and hazel eyes that seemed to light up the room. Kellin could tell that he was a very charming man, but arrogant nonetheless.

The prince got to the King's feet and kneeled down, bowing his head in respect. The King inched his hand forward and the prince took his it and kissed the ruby ring upon his finger.

"Rise" the King ordered.

The Prince did so, smoothing out his outfit as he was on his feet.

"Your majesty" his thick accent rang "I come from a very wealthy kingdom full of close-minded peasants that do not know the fair gestures of this world. I have come on duty, though word has it of a fair prince that would mend my heart so. With permission from his majesty, shall I ask for his hand"

Kellin gasped with shock overwhelming him. He cupped his mouth from embarrassment and looked at his sisters for reassurance, though they smiled excitedly at their older brother. Kellin quickly snapped his head to his father who stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"I will allow you to marry my son" the King declared.

Kellin's heart dropped.

He was a firm believer of true love and didn't believe in betrothing. He has expressed this to his father many times and he didn't understand why his father would allow this arrogant prince the privilege to have his hand.

"only if you bargain with the Great Dragon that torments my kingdom," the king said afterward.

Prince Oliver's face dropped slightly as he didn't expect there to be requirements. Kellin though smiled brightly, knowing that there wasn't a possible way to convince the dragon otherwise. Yes, it was slightly selfish and cruel for Kellin to wish the prince to forfeit the quest, but the prince didn't see himself with the British man. But Kellin wasn't completely cruel since he bunched up the hem of his dress and stepped his way to the prince, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek.

"I wish you the best of luck, Sir Oliver" he graced, then turned to curtsy at his father and left to his chambers.

There Justin was, dusting off Kellin's spotless dresser like he always did if Kellin wasn't present. The prince sighed and leaned against the door as shut it closed and let out a huff of air.

"Ah, your grace" Justin greeted and stopped his ridiculous dusting.

"Hello Justin" Kellin nodded with a small smile.

The prince made his way over to the window that he has placed a cushion and multiple blankets over the sill and sat down, gazing at the horizon.

"Is there something bothering you, sire," Justin asked.

"Justin, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Kellin" the raven haired boy laughed.

Justin simply ignored the boy's request and went straight to the point.

"There's rumor of a prince who's asked to marry you," Justin said "Is it true"

"It is, in fact, true my faithful friend" Kellin sighed sadly.

"Did you give him an answer?" Justin asked.

"I did not" Kellin replied "though father required him to bargain with the red dragon in order to wed me"

"That dreadful beast" Justin gasped "He will never survive"

"Justin, you don't know if the dragon is dreadful" Kellin insisted "It's just a misunderstood creature"

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