"How about...when you said you wanted me to scoop you off your feet then and then only will you date me...

Or how about the time you do not want to get on my bike?" he asks making her roll her eyes.

"Those are not orders they are valid reasons" she shrugs her shoulders getting back in his arms.

"Do not just shrug you shoulder heartbeat, you know damn well you made me go insane when you kept on saying no to any of the dates I asked you on"

"Hey I never asked you to chase me around"
"Admit it you enjoyed the attention" he states as he holds her chin and jerks her head up.



"I loved your attention" she finishes and Hugo grumbles something under his breath before slamming his lips on her.

Holding the collar of his shirt she pulls him closer to him as his hand roams at her back, Katie moans as their tongue touches clashes together, before she starts to suck on it.

This is what she had wanted from him, wanting him to show his dominance on her, telling her whom she belonged not wanting him to hold back.


Hugo pulls away from her before pushing her away so she lies on the couch as he gets on top of her; he pulls the shirt off his body before, once again kissing her voraciously as if hungry for her.

Katie wraps her legs around his waist wanting to get even closer to him as he nail scratches his back, she smiles in their kiss hearing him groan as she does so.

"Fuck" Hugo curses as he pulls away and hisses.

"Sorry" she bites on her swollen lip.

"You naughty kitty" he growls as he attacks on the side of her neck biting on it.

"Hugo" she laughs as he keeps on nipping all over her neck.

Her laughter turns into moaning once again as she stretches her back when he starts to kisses around her cleavage.

Grabbing the back of his hair, Katie breaths heavily at his ministrations before her eyes snaps open as something flashes behind her closed eyes and she stiffens.

Hugo slowly pulls away as soon as he senses the change in her body language.

"Breath it's just me" he sighs as he slowly pulls away and caresses her cheek while she stares at him wide eyed.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to"

"Ssh, it's okay, it's just me" he smiles as he puts his arms around her waist pulling her up so they end up with her wrapped around in his arms straddling him.

Katie shudders in his arms, as she wraps her arms around his neck holding him tightly as if wanting to hide and dissolve in his arms.

"What was it?" he asks as he kisses on her forehead.

"Nothing just some images"

"You can tell me"

"It was too dark"

"It's okay, you are no longer there"

"Yeah" she nods her head as she kisses his shoulder and buries her head on the side of his neck.


Katie smiles at the staff of her mother's shop while she makes her way towards her mother's office to let her know the decision she made. She stops as the door opens at once and to her surprise, Melissa walks out.

"Katie" Melissa calls surprised as well.

"Hey Mel, what are you doing here?" Katie asks as she stands in front of Melissa.

"She came to invite me for her fashion show" Kathleen replies as she smiles at both of the girls.

"Did you get the invite I sent with Hugo even if I wanted to come give you personally?"

"It's okay, I got it"

"Will you be joining?" she asks hopefully.

"I don't know Mel, I do not feel like being near limelight for a while," Katie states clearly to her.

"Oh, well we still have few days and if you change your mind please come and see the show it will mean a lot to me" Melissa requests before she says her goodbye.

"Honey you should go and see the show, she seemed really excited about it"

"I know mom, but I just..."

"You two have been such a good friends from your school days and if I remember correctly she has always been supportive of you," Kathleen reminds her daughter as she pats on Katie's cheek lightly before walking inside of her office.

Katie sighs not knowing what to do before she turns to stop Melissa.

"Mel" she calls out just as Melissa starts the car.

"What is it?" Melissa asks stopping the engine as she stares out of the window.

"Listen, I know these past few weeks I have treated you coldly even if you wanted nothing but to help me...

I cannot promise to come see your show Mel but I will try so good luck"

"Thank you Katie, it means a lot to me that you said so. It is just that I do not have anyone there for me to ask to come celebrate...

Ricardo has been busy lately and anyway, you are the only one who has been there for me so, even if I do not know what happened with you I just hope we will be back in our good terms like before" she smiles nodding towards Katie.

"I understand, drive safe" Katie smiles as she waves back at her before walking inside of the shop.


"Did you change your mind?" Kathleen asks as soon as her daughter walks inside of the room.

"Are you going to join?" Katie asks instead.

"Yeah, it will be refreshment for me"

"I may take Hugo as a date"

"Only if the boy agrees"

"Yeah there is that, but I am sure this time he will not say no" Katie grins before she pulls out the book from her bag.

"Oh you finished already?" Kathleen asks excitedly.

"Well," Katie smiles as she passes the book.

"I knew the only person in this world who could do this will be you" Kathleen smiles as she touches Katie's cheek.

"Thank you mom, oh and I have one design that needs to be turned into a real thing"

"Who is it for?"

"Throne requested"

"Throne oh, is it for Tutu?"

"No, but the girl he loves I have yet to ask of the size, let me..." Katie stops as Kathleen's phone starts to ring.

"It's your father" Kathleen smiles as she receives the call.

Katie frowns as her mother smiles drop before her eyes widens and snaps towards Katie before laughing.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Yes, you don't have to ask Throne about the size, it seems the girl he is in love with is none other than our Lily...

And your father along with your uncles are right now giving the poor guy a hell" Kathleen shakes her head as she cannot help but laugh.

"Oh god, I can feel the pain" Katie laughs along with her mother as she can imagine the things they would do to poor Throne.

His Heartbeat [His Series 1] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now