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A face came up to the window and right away I recognized it as Jagger. I walked over to my window and opened it.

"You scared me!" I shout whispered.

He smirked and cocked his head to the side, "ah did the little witch get scared?"

"How about the little vampire gets lost," I said reaching to close the window.

"No wait!" He said before I closed it. I pushed my hip to the side and crossed my arms, all I wanted was to sleep. "Darian said I have to Guard you,"

"Well then, guard me," I said like it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Yea but in case you haven't noticed, it's the middle of November I'm freezing,"

"Good for you!" I said.

"Just let me in," He pleads.

"Why didn't you just come in in the first place," I said stating the obvious.

He murmered something under his breath. "What?" I asked.

"I said vampires need to be invited in," He almost yelled. I checked the door to make sure my dad wasn't there and then turned back to Jagger.

I could work with this, "Before I let you in, apologize."

"For what?" He asked in disbelief.

"For being such a jerk, and for making me go to the dance with you," I stated smugly.

"You didn't have fun at the dance?" He asked, some of his emotion coming through. He almost looked, dare I say it, scared that I'd say no.

"I did, until the whole forest thing, so apologize."

His teeth chattered as he answered, "I'm sorry, now can I please come in!"

I felt sorry for him, "Come in,"

He was gone in a flash and when I turned around I saw him on my bed looking at a picture.

"Awe, look at you," He said in fake admiration. He turned the picture to me, it was of Carter and I in 3rd grade, we were at the park.

I attempted to snatch it from his hands, but he moved to fast. "Jagger give it back," I whinned. He just smirked.

I tried severel times to get it but he moved to fast. I decided that I wasn't to tired for a simple levitation spell, and focused on the picture.

It slowly slipped out of his hands, but he kept up a good fight. "No fair," He said while fighting for the picture.

"Yea fair, your the one with the strength." I smarted back.

He gave up with a sigh, and when I thought that the picture might go smashing into the wall it didn't, it just floated there.

"Look at that!" I said excitedly pointing to the picture.

"Yea, imagine that, a witch doing magic." He said with fake enthusiasm. I frowned, he must think I'm stupid for getting excited about this.

"You really can't do much?" He asked in a more serious tone.

"I don't know," I said sitting on the bed next to him awkwardly.

"Maybe... Ugh I can't believe I'm about to offer this but, I can help you," Jagger said.

"Help me with what?" I asked.

"I can train you to be a better witch," Jagger said.



With I yawn I replied, "Tomorrow,"

"Tomorrow," He agreed and went out my window, shutting it behind him.


"All it is, is a simple levetation! You did it last night why not now?" Jagger yelled.

"I don't know, maybe my powers were stronger last night!" I yelled back.

We were in Jaggers backyard, we'd been here since after school. I thought that this would be a good thing, having someon help me, but instead all he does is yell.

"Again!" He called. I focused on the vase that he was holding, slowly it went higher and higher. "Now, make it move to your comand,"

I swung it one way but it refused to stop. It was like when your on a swing and you can't stop. It kept going and going. It fell to the ground but surprisingly didn't break.

"I'm done," I said walking away.

"What do you mean your done, your not leaving until that vase is under your control!" He said astonded that I'd even think of leaving.

"I'm tired and my heads pounding, just take me home!" I yelled.

"Take her home Jagger, I don't want a bitchy witchy around," Avon said as she waltzed across the yard.

"Yea well... I don't want to be at a blood suckers house anyways!" I called back lamely. I was such a dork.

"Nice come back," He said mockingly. "I'm going to get my keys," Jagger walked into the house.

I closed my eyes as the pounding in my head increased. I just wanted to go home. All I wanted was to be in bed at home without having Jagger yelling at me. I opened my eyes, about to go get Jagger and realized I wasn't at Jagger's anymore, I was in my room.

How did this happen? I got a text on phone and I looked at it.

Jagger: Where are you?

Me: At home I think

Jagger: Real funy. Now where are you?

Me: I'm just at home.

My phone started ringing and Jagger's number flashed on the screen. I pressed answer.

"So you can't control a vase but you can transport, that's so stupid." Jagger said.

"Well I don't know, maybe I can do some stuff but not the others," I challenged.

"No, witches should be able to do basic stuff. You... you were..." He faded out.

"What was I doing?"

"Most witches can't even transport more than a few feet, I don't undertand how you can transport so far so fast."

"I'm just that good," I taunted before hanging up.

Now that I know I can do actual things with my powers, this would be fun. Jagger better watch out.Yup, something was seriously wrong with me.

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