Foggy Headed

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The bell rang and I hadn't gotten any closer to his thoughts, I even managed to rattle the table. I had a pounding headache and just wanted to go home to see what I was doing wrong.

I walked out of class with my head was pounding and my vision blurred. I blindly started walking to my next class, not bothing going to my locker.

Whenever I got near anyone I could hear their thoughts loud and clear. It was like I was on high power, I even made a locker fly open when I fell to the ground.

"You okay?" Carter asked coming up beside me.

"Yea I'm fine," I lied trying to ignore the painful throbs in my head.

Carter dragged me into an empty classroom and shut the door. "What are you doing?" I complained lazily.

He turned my face towards his, we were so close I could feel his breath fan across my face. "You don't look fine."

"Carter I'm fine!" I said stubornly and there was a crack of thunder outside. I could hear the rain pelting on the roof.

"I thought it was going to be warm today," Carter said.

"How about we just go get you some tylonel from the nurse." He sudjested.

I grumbled and followed him out. The door slamming all by itself. "Woah what was that?"

"Nothing, just... uh... Carter my head." I panicked to get him off the topic.

We continued to make out way to the nurses office. All none classroom places like the office, nurses room, and closets were in the North wing.

"Hello Carter, was it basketball again?" The nurse asked when we walked in. Carter had a history of gettin hurt in gym. He wasn't exactly the sports type so he was always getting hurt.

"No Ms. Shannon, Tempest doesn't feel well." He said ushering me to sit on the bed, the paper crinkling under my weigt as I sat.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked.

"Can't I have one day when a student doesn't puke on me."

Her thought ran loud and clear in my head only causin my vision to grow fuzzier. "My head, it hurts." I said moaning.

She came over and put her hand on my forehead, "We'll take your temperature, now lay back and relax. Carter you can go to class now."

"But I want to -"

"No buts, to class now."

I gave him a weak smile which got him to leave, I layed back on the bed and she stuck a thermometer into my mouth and a cold cloth over my eyes.

She went over to her desk and sat down, leaving me with the thing under my tongue. All I could hear was the scratch of her pen on paper and the rain hitting the roof of the school.

The beep went off alerting Ms. Shannon that my temperature was in.

"Well Tempest, your at a 98.6 take a tylonel and you'll be on your way." She said handing me a small pill and glass of water.

I swallowed the pill and put the cool cloth on the counter by the sink. "Thankyou," I said and walked out of the office, still feeling a little foggy headed.


I into the cafeteria and headed over to our regular table in the back corner, it was a few choice words written on it like losers, geeks, etc. But it was the best place to sit if you didn't want to be noticed.

"T, are you okay? Carter said he took you to the nurse." Jane said pulling out the chair next to her so I could sit.

"Yea, just hungry." I said.

We both got up and went into line. Today was mac n' cheese day, my favourite. We had made it the main counter and I was just about to pick up a the last bowl when a hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed it.

"Hey!" I said turning around to be face to face with Jagger. He'd stolen my bowl.

"You snooze you loose." He said.

"That's mine," I complained.

"Just get them to make you another one." He said.

I turned to the lunch lady, "We're all out!" She said.

I turned back to Jagger and glared at him, he just laughed. I was angry, he ruined my morning with the headache and now my lunch too.

I started to think about what the food would look like on top of his head, and when he went to go to his table one of the empty chairs flew into his path making him face plant into his mac n' cheese.

The whole lunchroom fell into utter silence. Did I do that? No way. I'd moved a chair. Jagger looked back at me in surprise. I was to shocked to move.

"Comon," Jane whispered tugging me away from the disaster.

I ended up sharing Newten's egg salad sandwich with Jane, and half of Carter's cookie. I was still hungry by the end of lunch.

As I walked down the hallway after lunch I heard names being called my way,


"Just because you can't have him doesn't mean you can go trippin him you slut!"

"Look at the jealous whore!"

I just straightened my back and tried desperetly to ignore them. This day was going horrible, I couldn't wait until tonight so I could see what I did wrong and come back and read Jagger like an opened book.

Secrets (Secrets Book #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon