"Don't you dare say that Will! How could you?!"

"I-I'm sorry."

"Please don't ever say those words again." Bill sighed. Will weakly nodded his head. Bill hugged him and placed his head on top of Wills head, breathing in his scent. He closed his eye in content. Will hesitantly wrapped his arms around Bills waist, relaxing into his chest. Ford cleared his throat, causing Bill and Will to release each other, both having a slight blush that went unnoticed by Ford and Mabel thankfully.

"How long till Dipper returns?" Mabel asked.

"We'll have to wait and see Stella." Tad replied.

In the Forest

(Song is optional.)

Alcor wandered aimlessly through the trees of the forest till he came across a rather large tree. He floated up to a thick branch and sat there and closed his eye. He breathed in the fresh air to calm his nerves. He was able to leave the shack before his reverse self found out. 'Hopefully he won't find-'

"ALCOR!" a voice yelled out, cutting through his thoughts. Alcor mentally cursed his bad luck and stayed silent hoping his counter would leave.

"Alcor I know you're here." Tyrone yelled out. Alcor remanded silent praying his counter would leave. "Come on now love. Don't ignore me." he said getting impatient. Alcor still said nothing. "Fine. We can do this the easy way or the-" Tyrone was cut off by Alcor jumping from his current hiding spot into another tree and into another getting far from his counter part. "He took the hard way. Of course he did. More fun for me then." Tyrone scoffed to himself. He went sprinting after Alcor and after awhile managed to pin him down with his magic from his amulet.

"I thought I made myself quite clear when I said I don't want to see you." Alcor said.
"And I thought I made myself clear that I wouldn't accept that." Tyrone said. Alcor rolled his eye in annoyance. He broke free from the magic holding him and dusted himself off.

"Well it wasn't nice to see you so I'll be on my way." Alcor said.

"Why won't you talk to me love-"

"Don't call me that."

"Why not? We're together so why?"

"We are not together. You almost killed Will because of how much magic you made him use. THATS MY DADS COUNTER PART! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE BURN THROUGH OUR MAGIC TOO QUICKLY!" Alcor yelled angrily at his counter. Rev. Dipper scoffed.

"Please. He was fine. It's not my fault that he can't handle the pressure."

"No, it is your fault. If that's how you feel about Will, that must be how you feel about all demons. Including me." Alcor said coldly. Tyrone just realized the comparison Alcor had made and the color drained from his face.

"L-love you know that's not how I feel about you. H-how could you think that?" Tyrone said.

"Your actions speak louder than your words. The way you treat Will is proof of that. Don't come looking for me. Goodbye Tyrone." Alcor said before green flames erupted around him teleporting him away from his counter part. Tyrone stood in silence replaying the scene from before. Alcors words echoed in his head. He closed his eyes to block the tears that welled up in his eyes. He sighed angrily and ripped his pendent off of his neck and threw it into a nearby stream. He watched it flow down it and disappear from sight. He turned and walked back towards the direction of the shack, completely unaware of Alcor watching from a distance. Alcor snapped his fingers and his counters amulet floated from the stream into his hand. He rubbed the stone with his thumb thinking about his counters actions. He decided to follow him to wherever he was going to see what he would do. Tyrone entered through the doors of the shack and walked up to Bill and Will. He whispered something into Wills ear, and Will nodded his head a bit teary eyed and teleported them away after telling Bill something. Alcor teleported to where Will had which was the twins Tent O' Telepathy. He snuck inside grateful that it was empty and walked up to his counters bedroom door. He listened in on their conversation.

"-don't need you anymore." Tyrone said.

"W-what do you mean B-Burning Tree?" Will asked nervously.

"I mean, I don't need you around anymore. I lost the one I care most for so my life has no meaning anymore. I tossed away my amulet and now I'm saying you can leave." Tyrone said. Will looked taken aback by his actions and words. Alcor had to stifle a gasp so he was not heard.

"W-Why?" Will asked teary eyed.

"If my love doesn't love me, I want nothing to do with magic or demons. I broke his heart and I will never be able to apologize enough to him." Tyrone said.

"You won't have to." Alcor said when he opened the door. His counter took in a sharp breath.

"H-how long were you out there?" Tyrone asked.

"Long enough to hear everything." Alcor said softly. "Will could we please have a moment alone?" Alcor asked. The demon nodded his head and exited the room shutting the door behind him.

"So..." Tyrone said hesitantly. There was an awkward silence between the two.

"You meant every word you said?" Alcor asked. His counter wouldn't meet his eyes. Silent tears slipped down his face as he refused to meet his lovers gaze. Alcor walked forward and tilted his head up towards his face, blue eyes meeting green.

"Every word." Tyrone said. Alcor smiled softly and leaned in close to his counter who pressed his lips against Alcors closing the gap between them. They kissed for a few more minutes before breaking apart.

"God, I've missed you so much." Alcor said.

"I've missed you too. And I'm so sorry." Tyrone said.

"All is forgiven. Just, don't do it again." Alcor said. His counter just smirked and kissed him again.

Guys, I'm back and I'm not dead. I've had a major case of writers block and I finally brought you an update.
Bill: Took you long enough! And you added some fluff at least.
I'm trying Bill cut me some slack here.
Bill: Yeah yeah yeah tell it to the flame. *Put hand up covered in flames.*
Oh I'll talk to the flame you stupid one eyed triangle. *Growls and turns slightly red.* Now say the line or say goodbye.

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