The Flying Morris Mini

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"Alright." Lily's hand gripped the wheel in terror as they drove around the little island in the center of the cul-de-sac and as they came about it, James nodded, and she shifted up into second... third... fourth... the car speeding up, her foot pressing on the gas pedal... they shot down the road, trees blurring...

Finally James waved his wand at the dashboard and said, "Pull on the wheel, Evans!"

She pulled and - and to her absolute shock, the car lifted, wobbly at first, and Remus let out a gasp and grappled for the seat buckle as James started hooting with excitement, waving his arms above his head as best he could with the low ceiling of the Morris Mini, and Lily's knuckles were white with panic as she clutched onto the wheel, horrified, as the car wobbled and shook it's way into the sky, just barely clearing the roof top of the house at the end of the lane. "Oh my gods!" Lily yelped as they hit a tree top, which was luckily quite plaiable and had no effect on the car's progress into the sky, the stars coming closer and closer, the ground getting further and further, the clouds whispering past, and Lily was reminded of the aeroplane ride to Florida her family had taken the year before, and her stomach turned as her ears popped and she said, "What happens if somebody sees us!?"

James said, "Dunno! We'll get in trouble, I reckon!"

"Are flying cars legal?"

"Not at all," Remus answered.

Lily's face flushed.

They climbed higher and higher into the sky. "Faster, Evans, we gotta go faster," James pressed her. So she pressed her foot to the pedal, and the spedometer went up-up-up... "Faster, Evans!" he yelled.

"I'm going the speed limit, Potter!" she yelled back.

"The bloody speed limit?!" James rolled his eyes, "Ferfuckssake, why are you doing the speed limit for!"

"There is a reason there are speed limits! It's for safety, so that you don't end up in a crash and --"


Lily flushed even hotter than before.

But she pressed her foot all the way to the floor and the Morris Mini shot through the air, disappearing into the clouds, the ground below concealed by them, and the car shuddered, topping out at a little over a 150 kilometers an hour.

Remus pressed his face to the window, anxious, as the car headlamps flashed over and through clouds, the engine roaring, Lily whimpering with nervousness, and James leaning forward, peering about, eyes squinting.

It took some time and Remus started to worry that this wasn't going to work - that they'd never find Sirius Black - that they'd end up driving all the way to bloody Iceland before they caught up with him, when -- "THERE!" he shouted, "THERE! Is that a headlamp?! LOOK THERE!"

James looked and Lily did, too, and the car swept in that direction and James shouted, "I think it is!"

Remus pressed his palms to the window, his heart escalating as Lily tried to make the car go faster, but it just wouldn't. They were catching up - slowly, but catching up none the less, and Remus's nerves shook and he bounced in the seat in anxiousness. "C'mon, c'mon, we're so close. Fucking hell, Sirius, look back will you? Can't he bloody hear us coming?"

James turned and without waiting for Evan's approval, he slammed his palm over the horn button on the steering wheel.

The horn sounded, a pathetic little wooonnnk sound.

"Bloody hell, that's the saddest honk I've ever heard," James said.

"It's a little car, what do you expect?" Lily demanded.

"Dunno, a proper horn would be ruddy brilliant!" James replied.

But the sad little horn was enough. Sirius had heard it and he turned about to see the car coming and he looked shocked a moment as he brought the motorbike about, turning through the clouds in a wide arch.

Remus grappled for the window crank and he unrolled it as quick as his arm could move, and Lily pressed the brake, slowing the car so that it hovered in the sky. Far below, the lights of London gleamed fuzzy through the clouds. Remus shouted, "SIRIUS!" out the window.

Sirius looped the motorbike back 'til he was hovering, too, and he reached for the clip holding the helmet in place he yelled, "MOONY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"COMING TO YOU, OF COURSE!" Remus shouted back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"



Sirius stared at Remus, the wind whipping his long hair about like a tornado. He squinted through it, tears welling up his eyes. "REMUS I'M SORRY!" he shouted, "I'M SORRY I'VE BEEN SUCH AN IDIOT! I'VE DONE SO MANY HORRIBLE THINGS TO YOU - I'M SORRY!"


Lily was crying.

"I LOVE YOU!" Sirius yelled.

"I LOVE YOU, TOO!" Remus yelled back.

Sirius's hands shook against the handle bars. "IF I COULD REACH YOU, I'D BLOODY KISS YOU RIGHT NOW!" Sirius yelled.

Remus didn't even think about it. He grabbed the frame of the door and started to pull himself out the window.

"WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" James cried, grabbing onto the back of Remus's cardigan.

"I'M KISSING MY BOYFRIEND!" Remus answered.

"Idiot! We're hundreds of meters off the ground! What if you fall?"

"Then he'll catch me." And Remus pushed James off and flung himself across the short gap between the two vehicles, jumping onboard the motorbike.

Sirius caught Remus's arm and tugged him on, Remus's chest against Sirius's back, legs clamped about the bike's body, and Sirius twisted his torso back, both their hair caught up in the wind, Sirius's surrounding them in a great stringy black curtain, as their mouths met and Remus put his hands up on Sirius's face.

Lily was literally sobbing beside James in the car. "This is the most bloody romantic thing I've ever seen!" her voice pinched with emotion.

James glanced at her, then back to Remus and Sirius as they were still locked in that same kiss - it seemed they were making up for all of the lost kisses at once. James smiled, then turned back to Lily again. "Guess we're best friends in law again."

Lily nodded, tears streaming over her cheeks.

James reached into his pocket and handed her a handkerchief.

"Thanks James," she whimpered.

"Of course, Evans," he replied. "Tis what Best Friends in Law are for."

Lily laughed.

Remus and Sirius finally drew apart and Sirius stared through his flickering hair at Remus. Both of them had tear all over their face. Remus's nose was pink with the chill of the air in the high altitude. Sirius smiled, "BLOODY HELL," he yelled over the wind, which whistled and whipped about them, "YOU'VE JUST JUMPED OUT OF A FLYING CAR TO SNOG ME, YOU WILD THING!"


Sirius laughed and kissed Remus again.

"Well," James said, grinning, "This had a happy ending."

And he'd no sooner got the words out than there was a CRACK in the back seat and the sound of a clearing throat.

Lily and James turned about.

There sat Gideon Prewett, in his full, grey wool Auror's uniform... and he was not smiling.

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