"Siddharth, Anwesha, Pihu, dinner is ready!" Maria called us after a while from downstairs. 

"Yeah coming!" I replied as we arranged our books.

Walking down the stairs we saw brother and Arundhati walking in, a little exhausted though as they returned home from their respective works. For a few days, I have noticed both of them going out and returning together. Well, they seem to be getting along well...! I thought as I looked at them, my lips curved into a sly smile. 

Maybe something is developing between them. That will be really great. I chucked. After dinner, we all went to bed. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. The swaying trees and the loud rustling of leaving with the wind outside made me feel agitated. I tossed and turned, unable to sleep, every time I closed my eyes the image of Nidhi's decaying corpse and the tree beside the Black Waters came to my sight. That tree, there was something very unsettling and sinister about it, I have to see it. I said to myself getting up.

It was 12:15 a.m on my watch. All must be asleep by now. Now is the best time, I thought as I got down from my bed, rubbing the sleep off my eyes. I don't wanna drag Ann into this. I can't risk losing her once again. I will find out myself, the secrets that lie in the darkness that's been haunting us! I said to myself, splashing cold water on my face to remove the drowsiness and freshen up. But going there all alone in that dark forest in the middle of the night. Will that be okay? I wondered checking the time once again on my watch. 

"Hello?" I heard the deep hoarse voice of Sam over the phone. He was the only person I could think of calling.

"Hey, Sam!" I replied.

"Hey, Sid what's the matter bro? Why are you calling so late?" He asked his voice a little sluggish as it was evident he was sleeping.

"Sam I need your help!" I replied my voice desperate. 

"Now? Have you murdered someone and now want me to help you bury the corpse?" He replied with his sleepy tone laughing a bit. 

"Very funny!" I replied, sounding 'I am not amused at all, "I really need your help man and I am not joking!" 

"Okay okay! Tell me what can I do for you, Mr. Chatterjee!" He replied with a teasing tone.  

"I want you to come with me to the Manan forest!" 

"What? Now?" 


"Have you lost your mind?" I heard his panic voice, almost shouting and scolding me, "No f***ing way! Not at least now! Have you seen the time? Its-"

"12:25 a.m, past midnight!" I replied cutting him off in between. 

"Yeah! Who will go there now? And you know it's a restricted area?" 

"I know! well, I am going. If you want you can join me. I won't force you." I said, I could hear Sam sighing over the phone, "So before I go, I wanna say, you were one of my best friends, and if I die just tell my granny and brother that I loved them and they were the best family ever, I would have loved to spend more time with them, and tell Ann how much I loved her and will forever miss her, and I had many dreams of me and her in the future, and I am gonna miss you guys too. You all know how much I love you guys. You are just like a-"

"Okay okay! Stop!" Sam spoke cutting me off in between, "You don't have to act so much! I am coming!" He replied giving up. 

"I knew it, thanks, Sam!" I replied chuckling. "and bring a torch and something like a bat or stick, I mean something which we can use to protect ourselves!" 

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