The Calder Twins: Chapter 22

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Oh my god, I'm so sorry guys, I literally can't believe I forgot to update this! It's been so long and when I first started writing this update I couldn't remember what was going on haha

But, yes, I will be updating again. I would not expect frequent updates because 1: I have exams, 2: I'm obviously forgetful, and 3: idk I just wanted to put a 3

So yeah enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 22: Spa Day (part 1)

*Emery's POV*

When I wake up, I am on the couch and Eleanor is stretched out on a pallet of blankets on the floor. I sit up and stretch my back. Then I look back at Eleanor. The hair that generally covers her forehead is moved back revealing the large scar on her hairline. Memories of the crash flash back to me and a shiver runs down my back.

"Morning Emery." I hear Cher's voice.

"Oh, hey Cher. I didn't know you were up." I say, turning around to look at her.

"I've been up for a bit." She says, disappearing back into the kitchen. "Wake El up, I made breakfast."

I look down at my sister, still deep in sleep. Eleanor and I may have a lot in common but one thing we don't share is what we do when someone wakes us up. She just rubs her eyes and looks up, always has and always will. Me, on the other hand, I thrash around and growl. I can be dangerous when someone wakes me up.

"El, wake up!" I say, shaking her shoulder.

As usual, she opens her eyes and rubs them gently.

"Cher made breakfast." I say.

My sister nods slowly and pushes herself up to sit back in her heels. She rubs her eyes again and then runs her hands through her hair.

"Come on or the food will be gone!" Cher shouts, her mouth is obviously full.

"We're coming, we're coming!" El and I shout back.

When we walk into the kitchen the smell of bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee.

"Geez you went full out." Eleanor says softly.

"You didn't have to do this." I say, sitting down across from Cher.

"Don't be silly, I live here too." She retorts, taking a sip of coffee.

We devour every morsel of the breakfast Cher made. Pretty soon, we are just leaning back in our chairs, sipping on coffee.

"What are the plans for today?" Cher asks.

I look over at my phone and find no messages from Harry.

"I'm free today I guess." I say.

"Yeah, same. Louis said he and the boys are going to an interview today." Eleanor says.

Well that explains the no messages from Harry. He at least could've told me though...

Anywho! I am free today so I can spend time with my sister and best friend.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask.

"Well, Niall suggested having a triple date some time so maybe we can go have a spa day today and go on that date tomorrow." Cher replies, scrolling through her phone.

"I found a really nice place on the south side of town and I think it will be perfect." She adds.

Eleanor and I exchange a look then look back at Cher.

"You've got today all planned don't you?" we ask at the same time.

"Of course! Planning the fun stuff is my specialty." Cher adds.


When we get to the spa, I pull out my phone and snap a pic of the three of us for Instagram. I decide to caption it: "Spa day with my girls!"

Within seconds I have over 300 likes and 70 comments. Some are hate comments and I scroll right past those. Some are really nice too. Most are just people asking if I will notice them.

I find it funny that they keep asking me to notice them. Of course I notice them. But I can't stand when people beg me to notice them because I'm going to automatically ignore you.

Okay enough with social media crap. Time for a nice, relaxing spa day.

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