VN #49

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(In the hospital.)

Zen: There's no need for you to come and visit me, MC.

MC: No. It's part of my duty to take care of you. You can't even practice because of your injuries and I have to make sure that you're fully recovered!

Zen: These injuries don't hurt me one bit, as long as you're safe.

MC: You're being flirty as usual, Zen haha. I guess you're feeling good today.

Zen: Yeah. I'm quite surprised that you've come to visit me today. Now that you came, I'm not nervous for the MRI scanning. It feels like I'm fully healed from it!

MC: Don't over exaggerate things, Zen.

Zen: Haha, it seems that I've carried away with my own words.

Doctor: Mr. Hyun, It's time for your MRI scan.

Zen: Yes, doctor. MC, just wait here.

MC: Can't I come over?

Zen: Jumin will not like to see you wandering around the place. So just stay here. I'll back in a jiffy.

MC: Okay.

(The nurses began to transfer Zen to the MRI room.)

(The room was quiet.)

MC: I wonder how's the meeting going for Jumin....? Should I text him? Nah..... he's too busy to reply them. Oh? Are those Zen's scripts? (Picked up the script books on the table.)

MC: Hmm... "The Stars in Your Eyes". Such a nice title. I wonder what's the story about. Zen doesn't mind if I read the scripts, right..? (Flipped through the scripts.)

- to be continued -

Author's Note: Hi there, my fellow Mystic Messenger readers. Thank you so much for reading up to this chapter. Hope you find the story to be interesting as sh** is about to get real ^^ Sorry for the foul language XD. Anyways, the next chapter will be on the story of "The Stars in Your Eyes". There are going to be few parts of it. It's going to be fast and we'll be back on track to the main story ^^; Do find some hidden details about it because I don't write it for no reason. :D It somehow relates to the overall story.

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