Merlin had invited his friends to go on a ride through the woods for a break after a long week. Many of his friends were relieved of their duties and agreed to ride with the prince. Merlin and his manservant, Will, made their way to the stables. Merlin was beginning to saddle his horse and was about half way done when one of his father's knights raced up to him.

"Your father requests your presence." he said with a small bow.

Merlin sighed and looked to Will, "Sorry to ask this, but can you finish preparing for the ride? I have to go," He asked with grateful eyes.

"Of course! My pleasure, Sire." Will exclaimed glad to be of service to the kind prince.

"Remember about the titles, Will." Merlin warned. That was another thing he disliked. Titles. "And thank you." He said nodding to his servant and quickly making his way to the throne room.

He found his father in the council room in the middle of a meeting. When he opened the door the knights seated around the table quickly turned to look at who had barged into their meeting. Relief showed on their face when they saw it was only the warlock prince.

"Son, come in." The king beckoned.

Unsure of what to make of this he slowly did so. "What's going on?"

"I hate to interrupt your day, I know you were looking forward to it." the king said in an apologetic tone. "I wanted to warn you to not go close to the border today. I'm sure you weren't planning on it well..." The king tried to choose his words carefully. Merlin waited patiently. "Last night a message came to me, a threat really. It seems we have an enemy within our walls and they have taken control of our outer towns. We are working to get them back and I don't want you or your friends caught in the crossfire, understand?"

"Completely," Merlin answered.

"Thank you son, and be careful." The king warned as he dismissed the boy.

As the group of friends rode through the forest, weaving in and out of trees, teasing and joking around, they stayed clear of the border. They had just finished eating their lunch, Merlin had cooked, he had made sure everyone had gotten a healthy portion before serving himself, when they felt something was wrong.

"Does anyone else think that it's a little to..." Will wondered out loud.

"Quiet?" Isabel finished, as she met eyes with Will as they were all thinking the same thing.

"Everyone shush," John ordered. They all did so listening.

Then they heard it. The galloping of horses, a lot of them.

Merlin looked out at his circle of friends eyes wide.

"Get on your horses now!" He commanded. His friends did so except Will who began to gather the cooking supplies frantically.

"Leave it, hurry! Back to the castle!" Merlin said urging his friends on. They all took off galloping through the trees back to the city. Merlin in the back making sure none of them would get left behind. He glanced back to see hundreds of men on horses chasing after them. As they raced through the streets they yelled warnings Merlin cast a few spells to make sure everyone was aware of what was happening. Then the citizens began to panic. His friends dismounted their horses and ran to their families. Merlin urged his horse into a trot as he came into the courtyard. He was surprised to see Will had followed him.

Merlin gracefully dismounted, "Your dismissed, Will."

"Merlin?" Will asked, also dismounting his horse. "Are you sure-"

"Go back to your family, they need you more than I at the moment. Get them out of Ethryll, keep yourself safe." Merlin said smiling slightly at his servant.

Merlin One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz