Chapter 3 ~ Jason

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Violet's P.O.V -

For the life of me I couldn't place a name to the face that was getting out the car and walking towards the front door of our house. Jake had his earphones in so I had no choice but to answer the door, as I opened the door I looked at this guy standing in front of me, I had a confused expression on my face and out of nowhere this guy said, "V! You're here at last!" Then he flung out his arms and embraced me in a hug, I slowly put my arms around this random person waiting for the hug to end. As soon as he let go I finally spat out the words, "And you are?" He pulled a sad face and put on the puppy dog eyes then said in a frail voice, "You said you would never forget me exactly six years ago in four days time..." I looked at him up and down then the moment our eyes met again, my eyes lit up and a smile bigger than the Cheshire cat was plastered on my face, "Jason!! You look so different, so... so..." I was so surprised I had lost the ability to speak, "Amazing, fabulous, hot?" He asked, he is still as vein as ever, but its true he is all those things and more.

We both realised we were still standing at the front door so I invited him in at last, but before I could finish he grabbed my waist, put me over his shoulder, shut the front door and ran into the lounge. He then slammed me onto the sofa landing on top of me, Jake finally noticed what was going on, "Dog pile!" Then he was on top of me and Jason putting all his weight on us without a care in the world. "Guys, you're so heavy!" I said out of breath from them being on me, "Well you will just have wait till Jake gets off me and you know that is going to be a while" Jason replies, then we hear a quiet "You're damn right about that" We all start laughing.

Jake's P.O.V -

"You're damn right about that" We all star laughing. Out of nowhere Jason and I end up on the floor, me on my bum and him on his stomach. Jason must of tried rolling off of the sofa but just flopped and took me with him. "Jason, why ruin the fun and roll off?" I say still kind of laughing, "That was not me, V pushed us off!" I go to look at her and she isn't there... "V!!" Jason shouts mega loud making sure she hears him. "Hang on! Just need to pee!" Her voice very frail, "So, how was work yesterday Jassss?" I ask him making the s at the end of his name a few seconds long, "It was alright, long day like normal..." His voice fading as he got up to sit on the sofa.

V walks in slowly towards the sofa that Jason was on, and then as she goes past me she purposely kicks me to hint that I should go and sit on the sofa where I was so I don't get in the way of anyone, she uses all her weight and just falls onto the sofa. "What time we going out tomorrow then?" I ask aiming it towards Jason, "I was hoping about ten so that we would be home by three maybe four the latest?" I look at V and she is falling asleep with her head on Jason's shoulder. I wonder if she still likes him...

Violet's P.O.V -

I could hardly keep my eyes open, the jet lag was finally getting to me and it was hitting me hard. I just hope Jason doesn't mind me leaning on his shoulder. I wake up with Jason laying behind me playing with my hair, he must of moved me so I wasn't uncomfortable, and Jake wasn't on the sofa, "Where is Jake?" I said in a sleepy voice, "He is making us dinner, it should be ready in just over a half hour" He said in a soothing tone. "Jassss, I missed you, a lot" As he pulled out his phone he said "I missed you too, not a day went by where I had thoughts about us and all our memories back in England" I pulled a sad face and he turned his phones camera on, switched it to the front camera, took my hair away from my face and just looked at me on the screen. I sorted out my eyes and pulled my sleeves down to warm my arms up. He takes a photo of us and then just stares at the screen again, I go bright red and cover my smile with my hand, another photo taken. I roll over to face him nearly falling off and bury myself into him, my back was warm but my front was freezing.

"V, you comfy there?" I hear and feel him say, "Yeah, you are warm and cuddly" I say smiling, I miss having him around, he was the one I used to be able to tell anything, be myself around and he was my best friend. I was listening to his heart beat for a few minutes when I felt like my bladder was going to burst, I got up ran to the toilet and had to pee. When I finished I looked in the mirror and thought about putting my hair up but decided it was too much effort so I left it down, walking back into the lounge Jason was sat up with a confused look on his face, "What, I had to pee, okay?" He then smiled and went to check on Jake so I went to my room and checked my phone.

I had an instagram notification, so I walked downstairs and checked it once I had sat down in the warm spot Jason had left. It was the two photos of me and Jason had taken ten minutes previously, he is so going to get a punch, one of the captions was 'Sleepy V just woke up', the other was 'Arww now she is blushing' then there was another photo... One of me asleep with his arm wrapped round me, Jake must of taken it for him, the caption on this one was 'She is so cute when she sleeps, glad to call her my best friend'

The guys walked in with drinks, we sat and chatted for about ten minutes then went and ate in the kitchen. After dinner I sat and watched them wrestle, they kept trying to get me to get involved but I was just too tired. I left the guys to wrestle and went to my room, I checked the time, it was just gone half seven, I decided it was about time to get changed. I grabbed my sleeping onesie and went to the bathroom, I did everything but get changed which made it eight o'clock dead on, I took my trousers off and then my top, I turned round to grab my onesie, but I caught a glimpse of my self in the mirror... What the heck! Taking a step back looking at my reflection I knocked my phone onto the floor...

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