Imagine #29- Damon

Start from the beginning

"Give me the car keys and forget I was ever here."

He handed the car keys over to you willingly and walked away, letting you get in the car and speed down the road. Destination? Mystic Falls.

You drove with no stops excluding filling up gas once or twice. You kept going until you finally made it back to your home town, Mystic Falls. The sight of the sign outside of town made you want to cry. It had been a while and you weren't sure if things would go back to normal. I guess that's the only thing you could hope for.


Stefan's POV

I can't give up hope now. Sure, Y/N's gone but there has to be something that'll make Damon want to turn on his humanity again. I just have to find it.

I looked at Damon from outside of the cell in the basement. Once again, I've had to vervain him and put him in here until he was somewhat calm. Today he was especially edgy because today was the day we all lost Y/N. I walked back up the stairs and for the first time, I decided to go to the Grill for a drink instead of pouring one at home.

I walked in and sat at the bar, waiting for a bourbon, slowly turning into Damon.


Your POV

You parked the car in front of the Grill and a rush of memories came flooding back. The first time you met Damon was in the Grill. The first date you went on with Damon was in the Grill. The parties that Caroline would plan. The games of pool you used to play. Today was the day two years ago that you lost all of it. Today was the day you were gonna get it back. You took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside the Grill. You looked around, looking to see if you could find a familiar leather jacket but you had no luck. You did manage to find the light brown locks of Stefan Salvatore. You were so relieved, you barely whispered his name,


But you knew he could hear you. He turned around and faced you. The shock took to his body and also to yours. You ran over to him and he stood up to greet you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your eyes threatening to shed tears,

"Don't cry on me, you'll make me cry."

Stefan joked, making you laugh and then cry more. He guided you to the door and you both went out and sat in your new car.


"I barely made it out of there. It was risky but here I am."

Stefan nodded, showing that he was listening to your story of the past two years. Now it was his turn,

"The day you broke it off with Damon was the day he turned his humanity off. You made him a better person and without you, that person was gone. Everyone was grieving, not because of the death of your human life but because you were gone. No one knew what would happen to you while you were with the Mikaelson's. We were all emotional wrecks for months and then we had to accept the fact that maybe you were alright and happier than you were with us. No one could get Damon to flip the switch and everyone accepted that he wouldn't without you here and you know how they thought. I never wanted to think that way. I wanted to think that one day you would make a bold move and escape. I guess everyone owes me 20 bucks now."

Stefan and you laughed at his stupid joke, but then it went quiet and you had to ask,

"Do you really think I can make Damon flip the switch?"

He looked to me and smiled,

"If anyone, I know you can."

I inhaled deeply before starting the car and driving to the Salvatore boarding house.


You were at the top of stairs looking down into the basement, wondering if this was a good idea.

"Yell if you need anything ok? I'll be right up here."

You nodded and took the first step down the stairs and continued on until you found Damon's cell.

"Knock knock."

You said it in a singing voice to lighten the mood,

"I'm going crazy, Y/N's not really here."

You roll your eyes,

"Yes Damon, I actually am here."

He looks at you directly into the eyes before speeding up to the door, trying to grab you but fails when you take two steps back,

"Why are you here!? You already broke my heart and stomped on it with your foot! What do you want now!?"

You exhaled a shaky breath before speaking,

"I'm here to tell you the truth."

He snarled,

"Why you actually left me? Who you left me for?"

You were getting mad,

"No Damon! I'm here to tell you what Klaus did!"

Damon didn't say anything so you continued,

"When I first woke up as a vampire, Klaus came into the house and fed me a blood bag and told me to go back to sleep and to break up with you when I woke up. I fell asleep and when I woke up I did it. His next step was to go over to his house and travel around the world with him. I didn't have a choice! I didn't want to break up with you! I love you!"

After yelling out my feelings for him, I said it softer, almost in realization,

"I love you."

It was if I could see the flip switch in Damon's head. His eyes turned glassy but then grew strong and I could see the love filled in his deep blue iris'. I opened the door and he engulfed me into a tight embrace,

"I love you too. I never want to lose you."

You look at him and smile before kissing his lips softly then pulling away,

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Damon smirked and pulled you in for another affectionate kiss,

"I would love to."

You never wanted to shed another tear after those two years and finally finding your way back to Damon but you had to because it wasn't a tear of sadness but a tear of joy.


Love you awesome nerds


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