Part Two: Hello Ace

Start from the beginning

"What do you think of the name Ace?"

"Ace? For what"

"For a nickname. I need something to be called out here so whatchu thi-" The sound of his phone ringing cut me. An excited hey heard from him was confirmation that he accepted the call. Pushing the mound of papers aside for later I got up from the table and walked to the bedroom entrance. "Who you talking to?" I questioned.

"The girls." He replied, referring to his nieces Chaylin, Kayden, and Amaiya.

"Who's that?" Chaylin's familiar voice interrogated.

"Ya future aunt if she quit playin these games with me."

"Don't lie to them girls, you know you the one who be playing me."

"Whatever." He smacked his lips.

"Hey auntie A."They all shouted in unison. The girls were conceived around the time that I was not around so I had never gotten to actually meet them. Regardless, the weekly facetime calls for them made it feel like I had know them forever." 

"Hey babies." I responded.

"Do you love auntie A uncle?" Chaylin asked. Chaylin was the blunt one and I loved that about her. She was like a younger version of me and sneak peak of what I could expect if I was to ever have a daughter.

"I don't know. She's kinda annoying ya know? And sometimes I ask 'er to massage my feet and she say no. Can't love someone who won't even massage ya feet for you." He joked. I threw a pillow towards his head which only caused him to laugh. "Yea I love her old grumpy self." He corrected. Satisfied with the new answer I made my way to the bed, laying down against his chest.

"Does she love you?" I swear she just asked questions because she loved to hear our answers. She was like a hopeless romantic and we were her real life love story.

"Yea I love him." I expressed, a small smile on my face.

"Then why don't y'all get married?!" She asked as if it was that easy, to just get married because we claim we love each other.

"What you know about marriage anyways? You better not have no nappy headed boyfriend." August stated, shifting the subject. Why didn't we get married? We loved each other right? Would I ever see the day that there was a ring on my finger. 

"I don't-"

"Yea she do." Amaiya chimed in.

"She do? What's his name?"

"His name is Bobby."

"Bobby? She datin a white boy? I think Imma have to come down to Houston to talk to this little boy. Where he live?"

"I'm not telling you." Chaylin protested.

"Amaiya. Where he live?"

"Down the street."

"Amaiya shutup before I tell him about Tom."

"Who's Tom?"

"Amaiya's boyfriend."

"Amaiya you got a boyfriend too! Where's Kayden at, I know she don't got no little white boy."

"She's sleep, but grandma said its time for bed, goodnight uncle."

"Goodnight, love y'all."

"Love you too." They said in unison before the line went dead. Every time the girls called it would leave August in a happy mood. Seeing the way he interacted with the girls just put me in a good mood, thinking of how he would treat our future little family. 

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